Bank of America Reaches Settlement in Countrywide Case

By | November 23, 2011

  • November 23, 2011 at 4:07 pm
    barb wired says:
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    with all of these suites filed against B of A, it makes you wonder who did the due diligence work before they bought countrywide. i imagine those people ended up working as a ‘staffer’ for some of our elected politicans in washington…….

  • November 26, 2011 at 6:18 am
    Systemic risk says:
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    BAC did not reach a settlement! BAC is a 5 dollar stock on the way to zero, that only survives because it was bailed out by the taxpayers once & is ready for the next. This so called settlement is merely a transfer from the taxpayers to Wall Street entities such as Blackrock & the incompetent CALPERS. Why is this permitted? Simply follow the money. Both parties are owned by Wall Street. The American
    people & its superficial & or bought media still do not get it.

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