U.S. to Sell $6 Billion in AIG Stock; AIG to Pay More to Taxpayers

By and | March 7, 2012

  • March 8, 2012 at 3:10 pm
    Water Bug says:
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    What a stupid and misleading headline. The feds NEVER refund tax dollars to the taxpayers. Instead, the money will be spent on some new green weenie boondoggle. Typical Reuters nonsense.

  • March 8, 2012 at 3:23 pm
    Sarah says:
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    Water Bug! Good for you for identifing a obvious attempt to mislead. I wish more people could see and expose the ideological attempts to deceive. We should all have saved our money and let AIG be broken up and sold along with Bank of America and Government Motors. What needed to happen should have been allowed to happen. We would have more options with more smaller banks rather than the big 3 BOA, Wells Fargo and Citi, more auto manufactures instead of just the the other big 3 which the Dems and the UAW want. I just wish the people can identify that capitalism needs to work to bring forth competition which equals better quality and lower prices necessary to earn our business. That is progress, not artifical proping up of failed and flawed business models as we did at the cost of trillions to our grandchildren.

    • March 8, 2012 at 5:23 pm
      The Other Point of View says:
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      LOL. Yeah, let them all fail. That would have been a “good” thing.

      GM employed 202,000 people. And about 1-2 million more employees in other companies would have lost their jobs (GM’s suppliers, trucking companies, etc…)

      BofA employed 188,000 people and millions of Americans had their life savings in the bank. Which, if it went under would mean the taxpayers would be on the hook anyway through the FDIC.

      AIG employed 116,000, and how many other businesses would have failed if AIG couldn’t pay its claims.

      Day 1 under Sarah’s administration: 25% unemployment, bread lines, and more misery than you can possibly imagine.

      Sarah wants capitalism to work without government picking and choosing winners and losers, but just ask her if she supports continuing the billions of dollars of subsidies going to the oil companies that continue to make record profits.

      • June 12, 2012 at 4:56 pm
        Ins. Lady says:
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        “Other Point of View” made a very good observation. If those companies had been allowed to fail who knows how many jobs would have lost their jobs. With the supply chain that goes to the parts mfgs. delivery cos., printers of necessary documents, paper mfg. and the list goes on and on. Even if the companies managed to stay in business there still would’ve been a huge reduction in workforce. What Congress should’ve done was create actions/laws to “clean house” in upper management, taken away bonuses of upper management that had bonuses written into their contracts, basically put job performance as a condition of their contract as it is for the lowest positions in their companies.

  • March 9, 2012 at 9:47 am
    joker says:
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    I see the Obama supporter/libtards are out in force today just by the amount of red checks. The other point, yes they should have failed, otherwise there are no consequences to poor leadership/management. Bailout after bailout. I can tell you from first hand knowledge that GM has not changed internally. It’s the same bloated company it was before the bailouts.

    Just from reading Sarahs posts, I can tell you she’d be a much better leader than the clown we have now. And tying in oil company profits to an article about AIG? You’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

    Ron Paul 2012
    Bring on the red checks you lefties :)

  • March 9, 2012 at 9:55 am
    The Other Point of View says:
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    The Republitards are so transparent….let every business fail, get booted out of office and then blame the incoming Democrat for the high rate of unemployment. So typical.

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