U.S. Treasury Expects $12.4 Billion Profit from Investment in AIG

September 10, 2012

  • September 11, 2012 at 2:43 pm
    Lauren Baker says:
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    Anyone who really believes that the U.S. taxpayer made a profit of billions of dollars on the money the U.S. put into AIG needs to be on every Nigerian spammer’s “top prospects” email list.

    Where did the $194.7 billion come from to create a net $12.4 billion profit? Here are some choices:

    1) Heightened valuation of AIG subsidiaries, sold and remaining, now that Hank’s conservative and timid leadership has been replaced by today’s exciting and forward-oriented leadership?

    2) Some really excellent pricing in this cycle, dude, including mandatory imposition of $700 in insurance premiums on every person in America.

  • September 11, 2012 at 7:25 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    I cannot believe AIG shares are trading this high. I just hope our government allows the people that are buying it this high lose their shirts when it falls below what they are paying for it. There is no way billions of shares of stocks are worth more than $1.00 a share, let alone over $30. Yet there are dumb enough people out there that will pay that for AIG stock…and what are they getting? I piece of paper that is worthless, especially if they fail again down the road. Wall Street isn’t smart people, just because these people are making millions doesn’t mean their smart. They are just part of a cult that the world is funding. Stop giving them money and we’ll see how “smart” these people are. Bonds are more the way to go if anything.

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