U.S. Sues Bank of America Over Alleged ‘Hustle’ Mortgage Fraud

October 24, 2012

  • October 24, 2012 at 4:07 pm
    Agent says:
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    Buffet recently pumped a few billion into Bank of America thinking he could rescue them from themselves. I don’t see the culture changing with this bank since they just loaned the Obama Campaign $15 million payable after the election. Gee, and they were bragging they were out raising Romney the past 3 months. Why did they need a loan to make it to the end of the campaign? I guess they had some serious advertising buys to make to spread their deceit further since they are losing.

  • October 24, 2012 at 4:34 pm
    Sargent Major says:
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    The real escapee here is Angilo Mozilo who was the head of Countrywide and was the primary driver of the housing collapse from the lender side. On the Gov side it has to be Barney Frank and Charles Rangel who also escaped prison. So the real crooks arestill free. Then on top of that what happened to all of the Fannie Mae execs that got “favorable loans” including the James Johnson Chairman/CEO and Vice Chairman Jamie Gorlick? There are about 50 to 60 at least. So the Federal Government is taking action on behalf of fannie and Freddie against the lousy mortgage underwriter who gave loans to fannie and Freddie executiives- Ha

    PS- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s son, Paul Pelosi, Jr., also received a loan with Countrywide. Barbara Boxer, Adam H. Putnam, Richard C. Holbrooke, James E. Clyburn, and Donna Shalala are also among those with mortgages from Countrywide. Crooks- vote them all out in Novenber

    • October 24, 2012 at 5:01 pm
      Agent says:
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      Hi Sargent. You are right about this, but let’s not forget about the venerable Chris Dodd who got a sweetheart loan from Countrywide as well and is co-author of the insidious Dodd-Frank bill on bank regulation. These guys are more crooked than a dog’s hind leg. By the way, congrats to the Tigers. I hope they go all the way against the Giants who really surprised me coming all the way back from 3-1 down to the Cardinals. The Tigers need to keep that dude Scutaro off base. He is a real thorn in the side to anyone playing them.

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