Liberty Mutual Has $465M Q3 Profit, a Swing From $112M Loss a Year Ago

November 2, 2012

  • November 6, 2012 at 2:19 pm
    Jeff Anttila says:
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    This is likely due to new processes which rely on develuated asset values; based on non-book/Mark-to-market values.

    Going with non-book values assists the organization; however it also levvys additional services to claims processes.

    Liberty Mutual handles this, by centralizing claims processes, it seems, by placing loss adjusters into call center environments; where the claims adjusters do not need to see or inspect the physical asset in question.

    All of this results in a more streamlined claims and adjustment process, however, in some claims, where in-person services can not be tendered, the company will invite on company letterhead, additional services to handle claims of the legal type.

    This is how they handled my claim; I’m actually writing a book about this. Because after I started to learn about how Liberty Mutual lacks escalation processes; or processes to obtain a secondary valuation, based on REAL-TIME valuations, I was invited on Liberty Mutual Letterhead, to introduce legislation by a person with signing authority at the company.

    I continue to work with legislators in the state where I am from as a result of that VP/Director’s letter, which ultimately resulted in having to abandon my property because the third-party valuations failed to address the claim and required repair.

    It’s difficult to reccomend them. They also mailed me another person’s set of keys and ownership paperwork (title) in the process, to a much more expensive vehicle. I thought the vehicle was my replacement.

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