FBI Calls Boston Marathon Bombings ‘Potential’ Terrorist Act

April 15, 2013

  • April 15, 2013 at 9:26 pm
    Hunter Hayslett says:
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    There was a man on one of the buildings walking around!! He was most probably apart of the attack if anyone else saw him and saw where else he went FOLLOW HIM!!

  • April 16, 2013 at 1:33 pm
    nunyer says:
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    Welcome to the police state Boston.

    Gov. Deval Patrick said Boston will be under “heightened” law enforcement while the investigation continues. This will include random checks of subway passengers’ carry-on bags and knapsacks.

  • April 16, 2013 at 2:15 pm
    reality bites says:
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    How weird is is that the 9-11 flights originated in the same city that these bombs blew up in? Coincidence?

  • April 16, 2013 at 3:09 pm
    Huh! says:
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    Let’s be careful about targeting individual’s based on race, religion, creed, culture, origin, etc:

    Police are searching an apartment in Revere, a city north of Boston. One of the apartment’s tenants is reportedly a 20-year-old Saudi Arabian student who is being treated in a Boston hospital for burns from one of the explosions.

    Why single out this individual? I certainly hope there is more justification for the search than the fact that this 20-year-old is from Saudi Arabia.

    • April 16, 2013 at 4:03 pm
      Agent says:
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      Let’s hope the facts come out quickly and we can pin this on the responsible individual(s)from forensic evidence, possible computer records, cameras that may have caught the perps putting the bombs in trash bin etc. I would bet that this is the work of Islamic Jihadists who would delight in killing Americans. Supposedly, they have 2 unexploded bombs to go over for fingerprints, tracing where they came from etc. I am sure the FBI lab and CSI’s in Boston are going to work long hours to put the evidence together.

    • April 16, 2013 at 4:23 pm
      PM says:
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      I hope they are searching him because they have solid evidence taht connects him to the bombs. Who cares about his race, religion, creed, culture, origin, etc before they prove that he’s the guilty party. Once proven, then complete all searches necessary to learn why he did it. If he has ties to any extremist, call it like it is and charge accordingly. We need to know the truth so we can form our own decisions.

      One of the worst things that could happen from this is perpetual pointing fingers at others to deflect any possible connection. We’ve had enough finger pointing and flat out lies about what everybody else has done.

      People need to grow up and look at the facts for what they are, not what a liberal or conservative media spins them to be.

      • April 16, 2013 at 5:16 pm
        Agent says:
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        PM, I have seen no Conservative media trying to pin it on Islamic Terrorists, but wonderful CNN is trying to implicate “Right Wing Extremists” depending on the bomb type. They even beat MSNBC to the punch. What a bunch of losers. No wonder their ratings are in the toilet. A new method of torture might be forcing someone to watch CNN non stop for 24 hours. That would break them for sure.

  • April 16, 2013 at 4:28 pm
    Center Point says:
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    Dear Boston: We are so sorry that this happened to you — and to the U.S.

    If it’s a homegrown terrorist, we will get them.
    If it’s an international terrorist, we will get them.

    Republican or Democrat, we put our political differences aside to come together. You cannot bomb the U.S.A. and get away with it. We will get the bombers

    • April 16, 2013 at 5:58 pm
      Agent says:
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      I am only slightly less angry than I was after 9/11. The whole nation pulled together and made the commitment to get the Terrorists that were responsible which was Bin Laden and his thugs. I was sick when the left were trying to blame GW for that and even intimated he had something to do with it. Then, they were upset that he went after them. All we heard was two unfunded wars spending money to get the Terrorists. GW made mistakes, no question about it, but he also kept us safe for the remainder of his term. This tragedy points out that there is evil in the world and they want to kill us for our beliefs. No, this was not the fault of right wing extremists on Patriot Day. That is an impossibility.

      • April 16, 2013 at 6:36 pm
        Celtica says:
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        Keeping us safe for the remainder of his term just isn’t the same as keeping us safe during his term. And Bush was never in a rush to get Bin Laden – and he said as much in 2002 And he never did catch Bin Laden, did he? http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20110502145352871

        Be sick, but be sick for the right reasons which has nothing to do with the left or what you perceive to be the left.

        • April 17, 2013 at 10:07 am
          Agent says:
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          So you are the new face of the left on this site since Planet has not weighed in. It is remarkable that you still hate Bush so much after all this time. This country had not been attacked since Pearl Harbor in 1941 and I don’t think there were many who foresaw what happened. Actually, there was a concerted effort to get Bin Laden, but he was well protected and elusive. You need to watch the true movie Zero Dark Thirty to see just how difficult it was. By the way, we are still waiting for your President to catch the perps of Benghazi and to let survivors testify before Congress. They were told to keep their mouths shut. Is this the new transparency?

          • April 17, 2013 at 11:01 am
            Celtica says:
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            Agent, neither am I the new face of the left nor do I hate Bush. I just don’t respect Bush as a president. And I did see Zero Dark Thirty. But Bin Laden wasn’t caught on Bush’s watch, was he? Did Bush allocate resources to finding Bin Laden. Yeah – one single female who couldn’t get anyone’s attention in the administration. I’m guessing that you also do not credit Obama with giving the order to attack Bin Laden — but I know that if the mission had failed, you would be blaming him (hello Bengazi).

            As for being forewarned, Bush and Condi Rice ignored the Aug. 6, 2001 memo warning of an imminent attack inside the U.S. Further, Condi Rice said that who could imagine jetliners being flown in the the WTC. You who could? Hollywood could – but not apparently our National Security Adviser.

            Face it, you picked a loser to back and you’re still griping about it.

            Getting back to Bengazi, if you were willing to wait 10 years for Bin Laden, you can well do the same here.

            By the way, did you see all the known international terrorist organizations deny any responsibility for Boston? They normally take credit to instill fear into their enemies. Wonder if it’s because they know Obama will go after them, no matter how long it takes.

          • April 17, 2013 at 11:15 am
            Agent says:
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            Cellica, if you had bothered to read my post entirely, you would have seen that I posted that Bush made some mistakes as all President’s have including your own. He doesn’t deserve the vitriol you have posted. We were attacked, he went after them and cleaned out the Taliban and killed a bunch of bad guys. Why hasn’t your President gone after the bad guys in Libya? Why won’t he let survivors testify before Congress about all the misjudgments made there that cost American lives. Why did he blame it on a video that had nothing to do with the attack? As his Secretary of State said, what difference does it make? I would much rather have a leader like GW for 8 years than what we have now who is no leader at all.

          • April 18, 2013 at 9:44 am
            Nebraskan says:
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            “Why hasn’t your President gone after the bad guys in Libya?” – Agent

            If you are an American, he is your President, too.

          • April 19, 2013 at 6:12 pm
            bob says:
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            Evena assuming what you put about a report in August is correct (which it definitely is not)

            What would Bush W have done? Did they have the flight numbers?

            Did they know the terrorists names?

            Did they know when it would take place?

            You imply that it was because she had the nerve to “think” “who could imagine jetliners being flown in the the WTC”.

            I will be clear, when someone says something in a statement, and sounds like a jack ass this is not a “material” fact. I’m sorry but the wording doesn’t matter to me.

            Should they have halted all plane flights?

            Yes, that makes loads of sense. Passed an aiport law? If you knew anything about laws you would know that a law passed in August of 2001 would NEVER be effective September of 2001. It would also NEVER make it through congress.

            When she said “who could imagine jetliners being flown in the the WTC” that is meant to state, as a result, how could they have passed a law that said “jet liners are suspected from Al Quieda with unknown names and or contacts to be attacking with unknown planes on an unknown date, we need to pass a law in an unknown area of defense to make sure that the unknown method of attack is not possible in the event that the unknown method of attack happens to go through on an unknown time through an unknown source, not known to be commercial carrier flight or personal, and it needs to be specific enough to give unknown methods of defense to air marshalls and give for some unknown reason a better block defense to the cock pit, and to somehow get that better defense and build into ALL airplanes within 1 month’s time because this unknown threat of an unknown time is probably maybe happening in 1 month’s time.”

            Celitca, at the risk of others getting mad at me for saying this:

            Don’t be an idiot. We all know that no law could have been passed in one month to ascertain safety on all flights. No law could have restructured the cockpit blockage. No law could have given more authority to flight marshalls. Quit being a fool.

          • April 20, 2013 at 6:43 pm
            bob says:
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            Typical democrat, Nebraskan.

            Majority rules, with iron fist eh? I’m sorry, when he says “your” president, agent does not bear the blame of Obama’s errors as he did not vote for him.

            Further: Majority does NOT rule. You would have been a bigot dominating the blacks back in the day. Have fun with that!

            May sound extreme with that one, but if you want the majority rules argument we aren’t having it.

            If you want to say it’s agent’s fault Obama was elected you’re wrong. So Obama’s actions and faults, as “your” president, are your fault, and not Agent’s.

            We will not just simply bow down to Obama and all that he says because “majority rules!”

            You dominating piece of trash.

        • April 17, 2013 at 12:02 pm
          Celtica says:
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          Agent, Agent, Agent. Seriously – another 8 years of bad decisions by Bush? He did nothing when NY and DC were attacked and went after Saddam Hussein instead of Bin Laden. He cut taxes in a time of two wars and drove the economy to the brink of the Great Depression. Bush’s “mistakes” caused thousands of Americans to be killed here and in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention the tens of thousands of innocents in those two countries.

          You didn’t know about Bin Laden until after it was over. And so it will go with Libya. And then what will you have to complain about? Guess I will have to start watching Fox news more to find out.

          • April 17, 2013 at 12:17 pm
            Celtica says:
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            Agent –

            If Bush was still in office, Bin Laden would still be alive.

          • April 19, 2013 at 11:53 am
            bob says:
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            Pardon, world trade center bombs in 1993.

          • April 19, 2013 at 11:56 am
            bob says:
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            You have absolutely nothing to back this up regarding Bin Laden being alive.

            However, on the contrary. The informant that the democrats claim led to Osama was a link found from 2002. I’m sorry, that means Bush followed that link for years before it fell into Obama’s lap.

            According to republicans it was in around 2004 that a tortured detainee gave more information that was used with the 2002 informants info.

            That would also be before Obama’s tenure.

            This would also be Bush.

            So either:

            It was Bush, according to liberal information.


            It was Bush, according to conservative information. Neither sources having anything to do with Fox News, as I don’t read that station.

            You need to stop bringing up Fox. It’s the source of your “hate” blinding you from truth.

          • April 19, 2013 at 6:17 pm
            bob says:
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            Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

            Bush W asked Saddam to let us inspect, based on CIA intelligence that Bin Laden was in Iraq.

            Remember when I said that information in 2002 was used to find Bin Laden?

            Let me give you a hint you moron:

            THAT was the source and CIA information that the democrats reference when they said the information came from 2002 without the use of torture.

            The reason Bin Laden got away: WAS THAT SADDAM REFUSED TO LET US INSPECT.

            Now moving forward: After Saddam refused to let us look for Bin Laden (which WAS action on Bush’s part to follow the lead which ended up being ACCURATE as to leading to Osama) Saddam ALSO refused to let us inspect his weapons.

            What do you think the “axis of evil” was about you fool? It was that an “axis” was protecting Bin Laden. Given that the source proved Bin Laden was in Iraq shortly after the attack, that is why we attempted to follow the source.

            We went into Iraq, FOCUSING on Bin Laden, but on a larger scale, the AXIS OF EVIL.

            Now that you have been schooled YET AGAIN on history, I take great offense to your stupidity and would prefer that you stop.

        • April 19, 2013 at 11:52 am
          bob says:
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          9/11 2001.

          Bush won the presidency, inagurated January 2001.

          8 months to pass laws regarding a piece of junk security system? Good luck with that. It’s taken us over 4 years to pass the key stone oil pipeline, something far less controvertial. Face it: Until a bomb goes off, congress does nothing. Until a gun is fired, gun control is on the back burner. The fact that we were attacked in Bush’s first 8 months had nothing to do with Bush.

          I might add we were attacked during Clinton’s presidency, think world trade center bombs in 2003. We also had a Yemen incident, on our Navy in 2000. Did Clinton fail to keep us safe? Your bias is showing Celitica. To state the Left did not ride a wave of attacks based on Iraq, is a lie. Osama was in Iraq in 2001 and Saddam refused to let us go in. He then cut ties to our inspectors which were comissioned as part of UN Sanctions. The weapons of mass destruction comment came from Saddam breaking his commitment, which came AFTER we told Saddam that we were going to check his country for Osama, and AFTER Saddam immediately threatened us. You need to get schooled in history.

          Let’s not go saying that Bush didn’t keep the country safe. You flat out have no evidence of this. I’m not blaming Obama for the Boston Bombing, nor am I blaming Clinton for the World Trade Center Bombing.

          Agent is upset about what you liberals did after the World Trade Center incident. Which us republicans did not do to you after horrible events. Face it: You liberals have a tendency of attempting to turn a catastrophe into a republican problem. The Iraq war was Justified.

          If it was not, then tell Al Gore from circa 1990 to shut his pretentious mouth when he told Bush HW that we had every piece of intelligence that said we had to go to war with Iraq, and tell Clinton to shut his pretentious mouth for saying that Saddam has used weapons of mass destruction before, and will use them again. The famous “you will not defy the will of the world” speech.

          I have had it with you liberals knowing nothing about history.

          • April 19, 2013 at 2:12 pm
            Celtica says:
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            >Let’s not go saying that Bush didn’t keep the country safe. You flat out have no evidence of this. Bob <


            Any further discussion of this is obviously pointless.

          • April 19, 2013 at 6:00 pm
            Agent says:
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            Good summary of events Bob. Celtica is the new Libby on this site and chooses to believe MSNBC or Huffington Post info on what went on in history. You could have mentioned the embassy bombings in Africa as well. The only thing I remember Clinton doing was sending a cruise missile into Afghanistan to blow up an abandoned training site for Al Quida and to bomb an aspirin factory in Sudan. He was presented the opportunity to get Bin Laden back then, but chose not to. I guess he didn’t want to offend the Saudi royal family.

        • April 19, 2013 at 4:18 pm
          bob says:
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          Celitica –

          1993 WTC with Clinton.
          2000 Yemen attack on our Navy

          Any further discussion is unecess….wait. That doesn’t work.

          It’s a matter of what Bush could have done in 8 months.

          The attack on our nation was not Bush’s fault, any more than Boston was Obama’s. No further discussion is needed on blaming a tragedy on Bush or Obama.

          Substantiate your evidence. Events happening does not state how they happened and how the president could have stopped the attack.

          Please list how Bush could have stopped the attack or changed national defense laws in 8 months. Otherwise, your facts are useless to me Celitica.

    • April 19, 2013 at 12:40 pm
      bob says:
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      Amen Center Point.

      Did you see that a child was killed? The other two were young as well, but the child just thinking about that is incredibly disheartening.

      This would be one of the seldom times that I basically would never make comment about some democrat or republican quarrel in relation to the bombing.

      I hope Obama finds some way to get those who were involved, whether homegrown or international.

  • April 16, 2013 at 5:02 pm
    Practical diplomacy says:
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    “They” want us to be like them, so let’s do it. Find ’em, Get ’em, Waste ’em!!!!!

  • April 17, 2013 at 11:53 am
    uct says:
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    Obama will go after them? You mean like he has over the Bengazi incident? Like he has with the Mexian gangs killing our border patrol and citizens in our own country while trafficking drugs over the border? Maybe you mean like how he is “handling” North Korea while they point nuclear missiles at our homeland. Or, maybe you mean how he just gave Egypt ANOTHER 4 planes valued at $250 million knowing full well they are ruled by a ruthless dictator who elected by fraud and the planes will likely be used in a coming war with Israel or his own people. There are so many reasons to respect how well Obama has protected us and made Hamas and Hezbollah tremble in fear. Or not.

    Yes ma’am, the other nations sure are scared of the big bad Obama.

    • April 17, 2013 at 12:25 pm
      Celtica says:
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      UCT — tell me again about how Bush took out Bin Laden…

      • April 18, 2013 at 1:38 pm
        uct says:
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        How about you tell us all again how “Obama” took out Bin Laden… LOL The Seal Team took out Bin Laden, NOT Obama. Did you not read the book or see the movie? How about the guys when they went on television who proclaimed Obama was the only one against them going into Pakistan???

        Live in your Obama fairy tale world. He did NOT kill Bin Laden. Brave American Soldiers did in order for us to sleep better at night, not so Obama could interrupt a Monday Night Football game and act as though he had just squared off with Osama in the parking lot.

        Tell me again how Obummer is handling North Korea? Benghazi? Fast & Furious? A balanced budget? Better yet, let’s replay the video of him stating on the record there would be NO NEW TAXES on anyone making under $250,000 per year. Or wait, let’s talk to the Military men and women who are losing their college education because as part of the Sequester, they will no longer receive college tuition. Wow, so many great things this “man” has done for us. Lead on Celtica. Lead on.

        • April 18, 2013 at 4:29 pm
          Celtica says:
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          UCT – a predictable — and tired – response. As Commander in Chief, Obama gave the order which the Seals carried out. A thank goodness Obama did and thank goodness the Seals did. But you really need to thank both to be able to truly sleep at night, rather than cherry picking your facts.

          If Bush was still in office, the order never would have been given — Bin Laden would still be alive.

          Now, try and act a little mature and show some understanding of basics of the chain of command.

          • April 18, 2013 at 5:50 pm
            draetish says:
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            Celtica you sound more like a GB hater than an Obummer lover. Obama has an agenda and the American people are not #1 on his list. Only power and greed will satisfy his obsession to ruin America as it once one and turn it into “his” country with no limits.

          • April 18, 2013 at 6:11 pm
            Celtica says:
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            Dear Draetish:

            You amuse me, the same way my ten year old nephew does.
            Obummer? Really?

          • April 19, 2013 at 12:01 pm
            bob says:
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            You have absolutely no evidence that Bush would not have given the order.

            When someone walks to you and says we think we found Osama, all you have to do is act.

            And the particular president has a habit of “acting” to get the guy (as in invading a country who refused to let us act on intelligence that said Osama was there) I think all evidence points to a resounding: Bush would have approved.

            To think otherwise is insane. Yes, Bush would never have simply said the words “do it”.

            Try and act a little mature and show some basic understanding of the chain of command, as well as some basic understanding of what an “unsubstantiated fact” is.

            “If Bush was still in office, the order never would have been given — Bin Laden would still be alive”

            Is an opinion, which is not substantiated in any logical or mature way. It is in fact a far strecth away from mature, as you have to believe something incredibly irrational to back up your belief, which is that Bush wouldn’t want to kill Osama.

  • April 17, 2013 at 12:41 pm
    draetish says:
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    Well Agent, there’s your answer, yes Celtica is the new face of the left on IJ and an Obama lover. Celtica your President is the worst there ever was and a liar. He is pushing the Gay Marriage and Gun Control issues to avoid the budget and Bengazi. He will never be upfront about anything. I hope you are ready for Bob, LOL.

    • April 17, 2013 at 2:26 pm
      Celtica says:
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      Yo, Draetish, I actually wanted Hilary Clinton as President – still do.
      So, how did that Sean Hannity “Stop Hilary Express” work out for you in 2008?

      • April 17, 2013 at 4:17 pm
        Agent says:
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        Do you mean our former Secretary of State who responded to the Benghazi attacks with the infamous line – What difference does it make? She also told the father of one of the Marines that she would “get the video maker” when that had nothing to do with what happened. She also blamed the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy was at fault when her husband was caught with the intern under his desk. Fortunately for us, the blue dress showed up and she had egg all over her face.

        • April 17, 2013 at 5:52 pm
          Celtica says:
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          Now, Agent, I didn’t respond to your high five to Planet — even though YOU opened the door to politics by whining about GB (where that came from, who knows). Now I see that even after your high five, you STILL wanted to get political (check that time stamp).

          Don’t be such a hypocrite. The time stamps will always mess you up.

      • April 19, 2013 at 12:10 pm
        bob says:
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        The same Hillary Clinton who supported Obama’s original statement, that the attack on Benghazi matching the 9/11 date was due to a reaction to some stupid video?

        I’m not saying stupid to be vulgar. Obama really did imply it was a reaction to a ridiculous video. I would have to pull it for exact wording.

        The guy was so scared of stating we were attacked again on 9/11 and it would harm his reputation (don’t ask me why, I wouldn’t have blamed him that Al Quieda was pissed off) that he blamed it on a video and crossed his fingers hoping no one would realize what day it was in our history.

        And Hillary supported that lie.

        At least Bush didn’t pee his pants and lie due to how he thought the public would react.

        • April 22, 2013 at 10:14 am
          Agent says:
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          So Bob, the lame stream media were besides themselves hoping the the bombings were the work of a “right wing extrmist” and CNN & MSNBC came out early in the game theorizing it might be the right wing responsible. Can you imagine their disappointment that it was Islamic Terrorism once again who perpetrated this attack? Russia warned us about the older brother and after the FBI completed their review, they said there was no action to take. How stupid are our leaders? How many times do we need to be hit to wake up and smell the coffee about Islamic Terrorism? There are no telling how many sleeper cells out there who are waiting for word to strike. Islam is not the religion of peace and they view infidels as not worthy to live. We should be rounding them up and shipping them back to their country of origin.

          • April 22, 2013 at 1:58 pm
            bob says:
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            I can’t say I am up to date on the bombings regarding CNN & MSNBC. I merely know they happened and people died. This is one of those issues I really just get sickened thinking about the deaths.

            If there are stations that stated it might have been right wing extremists that just shows how polarized the nation is.

            I really don’t want to be seen the same on this as the democrats who acted irrationally about 9/11 (Celitica would be one) and then tried to pin it on a president or person.

            Terrorists are killers and we have a process system. It’s just too bad we don’t have a good process system, no fault of the last few presidents. I won’t blame Bush so I won’t blame Obama for this one.

            Benghazi was an exception for me because of Obama stating that an attack that happened on 9/11 several years later was due to the response of some video despite clear evidence that it was Al Quieda retaliation. Now that, I had an issue with.

          • April 22, 2013 at 4:44 pm
            Agent says:
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            Bob, don’t feel bad about not keeping up with what CNN or MSNBC has to say about anything. Only people like Celtica even watch them and their ratings are miniscule. I find it interesting that one of their leftist champions, the infamous Bill Maher is now calling out the left for their views on radical Islam. He said on his program that the only religion that calls for death if a bad cartoon is of their prophet or if anyone renounces their faith is Islam. A few weeks ago, he said the rich are already paying their fair share of taxes. Wow, this is a guy who gave $1mil to help Obama get re-elected. Is he having an epiphany?

          • April 23, 2013 at 12:53 pm
            bob says:
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            Bill Maher said those statements?

            …Well he does claim to be a libratarian. Seems odd though.

            I keep up with CNN and MSNBC, just not on this issue. It’s one I just don’t want to study and look into with the kind of hatred that Celitica did for 9/11 apparently expecting to blame a president for the event. I feel bad that MSNBC or CNN would say something like that though. That’s just out of line.

  • April 17, 2013 at 12:43 pm
    draetish says:
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    It’s a no brainer, of course the attack on Boston is a Terrorist Act. It’s killing innocent Americans for no reason at all no matter what race, creed or color did it, duh!

  • April 17, 2013 at 1:37 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    The tragedy in Boston is apoloticial and we shouldn’t be asserting President Bush this and President Obama that. Come together people. Throw out your political agendas for at least a few days and get behind your fellow Americans needing help over there in Boston. Donate money and if you can’t donate money, donate time, donate effort, heck, donate blood. Yes, I realize the victims are being treated and they may not need YOUR blood. But, be proactive for the chance something tragic happens in your neighborhood. Turn in those that are creating bogus websites trying to profit from this act of terror. Do something. Make a difference. Take a united stand. Quit bickering about right vs left. That’s such a waste of time in a situation like this. And, don’t join the witch hunt. Let the professionals perform their investigation. If the investigation concludes we need to have a deeper conversation, we’ll cross that bridge when we reach it. It makes absolutely no sense to be arguing right vs left with the bombing in Boston. Those on both sides want this fool or fools to be caught and put to justice. Period.

    • April 17, 2013 at 1:49 pm
      EBA says:
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      I’m sorry I can only ‘LIKE’ this once.

    • April 17, 2013 at 3:23 pm
      Very well put, Captain says:
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      Kudos to you!

    • April 17, 2013 at 4:11 pm
      Agent says:
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      For once I agree with you Planet. Enjoy my like.

      • April 17, 2013 at 4:47 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        High 5, Agent. It’s rare, but we can see eye-to-eye some times. Have a good evening and if you are the praying type, those ceratinly can’t hurt the victimized either.

        • April 17, 2013 at 6:11 pm
          Agent says:
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          Planet, I have been praying for the victims since it happened and also that our government will be successful in catching and dealing with the perps. Although this attack does not rise to the level of 9/11 with the loss of life and injuries, it is still a horrible thing and we both hope for swift justice to be had. Evil still exists and Americans are the target for it. I am afraid the citizens memory of 9/11 had faded over time and this brings everything back that evil doers want to kill us.

          • April 18, 2013 at 9:12 am
            Captain Planet says:
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            Yes, I both hope and am confident they will catch this/these loser(s). We’ll need to exercise some patience and allow the investigation process to be had. Of course, we all want the coward(s) caught quickly. I certainly hope it doesn’t take as long to make an arrest as it did for the Olympic bombing back in ’96. How long was that, something like 6 years if I remember right. At any rate, good comments up there, Agent. Justice will be had, I’m just not sure in what form. Death seems too easy and so does prison. We don’t practice cruel and unusual punishment, so I know that’s not an answer. And, I know this next thought isn’t exactly “turn the other cheek.” But, I can’t help thinking of having those repsonsible locked in a room and detonating an identical device a distance at which wouldn’t kill but maim. The victims who go on living or grieving from this tragedy have had their whole worlds changed. It makes me sick!

          • April 19, 2013 at 12:39 pm
            Agent says:
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            So one perp killed and the other on the run. They will get him and hopefully make him swiss cheese so we don’t have to support him in prison for 60 years. This kid is from Chechnya and is also Muslim. That is a bad combination that Russia has had to deal with for a fair number of years. It would be nice to know why they decided to do this to Americans since I have just seen their hatred for the Russians. They have been here for 10 years and just now decided to do something. Total dirtbags.

        • April 19, 2013 at 12:34 pm
          Agent says:
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          How about you praying for the victims of the fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas? There are minimum of 15 dead and a couple of hundred injured and a good part of the town destroyed.

          • April 19, 2013 at 1:13 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            They certainly have my prayers, Agent. This hasn’t been a good week. I have been following that tragedy as well.

    • April 19, 2013 at 12:42 pm
      bob says:
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      If Obama wants my support on this one he has it.

      • April 19, 2013 at 3:44 pm
        Agent says:
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        It would be nice to see the President come down here and visit with the grieving survivors, but I am not holding my breath for him to visit this state. At least 15 dead and right at 175 injured. It is just horrible. The apartment house hit by the explosion looks a lot like the Murrah building in OKC.

  • April 22, 2013 at 6:07 pm
    Celtica says:
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    Agent, Agent, Agent — I see you are still rankled. Good. As for media, I do not limit myself to just one source, especially one that starts with F. You may not be aware but MSNBC did not cross the line with stating that it was right wing/tea partiers who were responsible for this. I believe you are confusing CNN with ABC news last summer. If not, then got a link?

    Please do not let the facts get in the way of your amusing rants.


    • April 23, 2013 at 1:03 pm
      bob says:
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      Yes. Just whichever shares the thoughts of the mighty “D”.

      Agent does rant, but you’re really no different. Your comments regarding 9/11 are lacking in terms of substantiated facts. But your reply to Agent seems to show you think lesser of him. It’s always interesting to me when I’m directly an @$$ on this site, it’s always to those who are indirectly being hateful themselves. It seems passive agressors and I are in a constant struggle.

      Take that insult the way you will. However, it’s simply a fact. Your comments on 9/11 have been beyond the point of ignoring history, so how am I to belive that you are doing anything other than ranting yourself?

      You can’t deny any of what I’ve said about Iraq or the war, or you would be lying or poorly researched. So take it over to agent, the rambling guy who you talk to as if he is a child with an “agent, agent, agent.”.

      …Simply amazing.

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