Progressive Insurance Chairman, Former CEO, Philanthropist Lewis Dies

By David Holley | November 24, 2013

  • November 25, 2013 at 1:40 pm
    Paul says:
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    Lewis was a contraversial figure who supported left wing causes. I’d like to correct a little revisionism in this article. Progressive grew from a motorcycle and RV niche insurer by depopulating state automobile assigned risk pools. They offered better rates, and managed to still make money. They later introduced the multivariate rating to acquire standard business. Contrary to the belief of the spokesperson who adds the spin about online and direct sales, the company was built by the sweat of independnent insurance agents, and even today 75% of its sales can be attributed to the IA channel. Yes, they did try to outcompete their agents. They pay less than a competitive percentage, but they have been traditionally a wide-open market. IAs have had a love-hate relationship with Progressive, often placing business with them as a last resort.

    • November 25, 2013 at 3:22 pm
      SWFL Agent says:
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      I don’t disagree with all of your comments but I thought Progressive started with writing nonstandard auto and writing risks, namely DUI risks, that other carriers would not write. Progressive also wrote Liquor Liability when others wouldn’t.

  • November 25, 2013 at 2:32 pm
    lonestar says:
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    Paul, well said.

    “…the company was built by the sweat of independnent insurance agents, and even today 75% of its sales can be attributed to the IA channel. Yes, they did try to outcompete their agents. They pay less than a competitive percentage, but they have been traditionally a wide-open market. IAs have had a love-hate relationship with Progressive, often placing business with them as a last resort.”

    • November 25, 2013 at 8:37 pm
      Gork says:
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      “…by the sweat of independent agents…” – that’s a good one – most of them cancel their tee times when it’s too hot out.

      • November 25, 2013 at 9:15 pm
        renoscs says:
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        Yes Gork, you are a dork!! And if BS was snow, you would be a blizzard!!

      • November 26, 2013 at 10:09 am
        Libby says:
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        Said by someone that never sold a policy in his life. You couldn’t hack being an independent agent. Most company people can’t. We work too hard.

  • November 26, 2013 at 1:23 am
    Tom Murin says:
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    RIP Peter B. Lewis. “Joy, Love & Peace” was a tagline of his. I started my career at Progressive and met him a few times. He built the company from a small carrier into a powerhouse. From non-standard to a household name. Very impressive. He was a very interesting guy. I can’t quite reconcile the liberal politics since he could be a pretty ruthless businessman.

    • November 28, 2013 at 8:37 am
      Lenny says:
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      Interesting, Tom was the only one to offer any sympathy for Lewis and his family? Lets all cut the bull here, Lewis was definitely a ruthless individual and made the company what it is today an the backs of everyone he did business with including Progressive’s policy holders. I’m surprised that there is a State in America that still allows This company to do business there. Progressive , and everyone that is employed with them are not the type of person you would want to live next door to. Good luck Peter , I know we’ll never meet again, we’re not destened for the same eternal resting place.

      • December 2, 2013 at 1:41 pm
        insurance is fun! says:
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        Dear Saint Lenny. For your sake, I hope they don’t have spelling bees in heaven.

  • December 18, 2013 at 11:18 am
    purva says:
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    let’s not try to sugarcoat it, this guy was a royal jerk.

    let me tell u a story about the guy. i knew him for a while and was on a name-to-name basis with the guy. we were friendly, but let me tell u – he would’ve sold me down the river if it meant one more penny in his pocket.

    i had my company fleet insured with progressive for a long time. talking nearly a million dollars in premiums yearly. despite all i was paying (without filing a claim), progressive kept OVERCHARGING me for my premiums. i said to him “lewis, listen, you guys are overcharging me.. and i got a smaller company offering to insure my fleet for nearly 300,000 less. what can we do to stop being overcharged? i’m thinking about leaving”

    to make a long story short, lewis did not offer to match the competition or anything like that. instead, hesaid he would destroy me and my company if i thought about switching policies. WTF?

  • August 23, 2015 at 7:02 am
    Albright Machiery says:
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    Progressive owes our family owned business Albright Machinery $85,000.00 on a transport claim which is currently past due by over 160 days.

  • October 5, 2017 at 11:30 pm
    Bobbe Trunzo says:
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    Progressive makes money by denying responsibility and refusing to pay when their clients are obviously the cause of an accident.

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