Obamacare Proposal Boosts Payments to Insurers for Sicker Policyholders

November 27, 2013

  • November 27, 2013 at 1:34 pm
    Mikey says:
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    and where is this extra money coming from to help insurers??

    • November 27, 2013 at 1:39 pm
      Connie says:
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      I was wondering the same thing. Hmmmm……

      • November 28, 2013 at 8:04 am
        Dandy Don says:
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        Obamacare is being patched on an ad hoc basis, wherever a new leak springs up, using taxpayer money.

        It is not insurance companies’ fault that Obama’s frantic actions to bail water from the sinking Obamacare boar are further destabilizing it. Obama cannot force insurers to violate federal law, even if it is the federal law he helped create (and cannot undo without Congress’ help). So he has to keep offering bigger carrots to provide incentives, again, using taxpayer money.

        • December 2, 2013 at 1:46 pm
          Celtica says:
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          Dear Dandy: If there is money to be made by insurers, they will accept destabilization if it is to their benefit to do so. Free Marketplace Economy 101

    • December 2, 2013 at 10:44 am
      Celtica says:
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      From Republican taxpayers in the great income redistribution scheme…

  • November 27, 2013 at 2:11 pm
    Lauren CIC ARM says:
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    “Under existing rules, the government can pay insurers 80 percent of claims greater than $60,000 for an individual in 2014. That threshold would be lowered to $45,000 under the proposal.” Why are taxpayers subsidizing insurance companies? I guess its the first step to socialized healthcare, a one-payer system (the US taxpayer).

  • November 27, 2013 at 2:32 pm
    Reader says:
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    The President can’t just arbitrarily change a law once it’s put into place. Once again, resident president uses his self proclaimed power over the people who so clearly denounce Obamacare. Have you noticed how “they” are referring to Obamacare as the Affordable Care Act now? Obama’s hoping this will make people forget its his until all the dust settles.

  • November 27, 2013 at 2:46 pm
    jack says:
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    That’s right! Get the companies sucking on the government tit and then pull the subsidies away and watch them crumble.

    Single payer system here we come!

    I told you so.

    Next up, rationing healthcare for the old and sick. “you no longer serve and contribute to the good of all so lets just let you die”.

    Wake the F up people.

    • November 27, 2013 at 2:50 pm
      jack says:
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      All so Sandra Fluke and Libby can get their birth control pills paid for.

      Great job democrats. Can’t see the forest for the trees. And by the way, the whole freaking ugly tree fell on Sandra,she didn’t just get beat with the ugly stick.

      • December 2, 2013 at 10:51 am
        Libby says:
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        I want my free birth control pills! Give them to me NOW! I need to get out on the town this weekend.

        • December 2, 2013 at 1:40 pm
          Celtica says:
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          Don’t forget to invite Sandra Fluke!

  • November 27, 2013 at 2:52 pm
    jack says:
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    LLLLean FFFFForward middle class. Is a tax bill the size of a coke bottle being shoved up your arse covered by Obamacareless?

    • November 27, 2013 at 3:33 pm
      perplexed says:
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      Jack, I agree with you most of the time, but keep it clean, man!

      Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

      • November 27, 2013 at 4:24 pm
        Jack says:
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        PerP- sorry man, get a little passionate about making a point to the less intelligent.

        Happy white privileged kill the American Indian day to you as well. Just thought I would say that for the liberal bigots out there.

    • November 27, 2013 at 3:58 pm
      FFA says:
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      Jack, so how do you really feel????

      • November 27, 2013 at 4:14 pm
        Jack says:
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        3 cups of star bucks does it to me every time. Just tell it like it is. And that’s a fact jack.

  • November 27, 2013 at 5:10 pm
    FFA says:
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    Well sports fans, this kid Lynch at NIU set a record rushing for 321 yards in a game. Led then to an undefeated season.
    I know its not a big school, but can you say Heisman???
    Too bad I cant have him on my Fantasy Team….

    • December 2, 2013 at 11:09 am
      Agent says:
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      Congrats to the kid FFA, but he won’t win the Heisman because they generally stick to the big schools. How about that end to the Auburn/Alabama game? I don’t think I have ever seen a missed field goal run back like that on the last play of the game. Good for Auburn. Alabama has more than their share of National titles and Saban out smarted himself arguing for one more second. He may have won in overtime. Sorry about your Bears. They probably should have won that game and Jeffreys looked really good at receiver. The lowly Cowboys managed to pull it out on the equally inept Raiders. It took only 12 seconds to get behind at the start of the game and they were receiving the kickoff and it was an uphill battle the rest of the game. Welcome to the Not For Long league.

      • December 2, 2013 at 11:50 am
        FFA says:
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        Yes Agent, your right on the kid. He needs to be talked about, but probably wont win it. Needs to shift to RB or receiver to make it in the bigs… League adjusting to the likes of RG3.

        That Bears game, nobody wanted to win it… At least your Cowboys won.

        Didn’t catch the Auburn Alabama game. Didn’t even catch the news at all over the week end except for the OBama Care stuff. Caught just 5 minutes of Scott Walker on Face the Nation. He may not be ready for DC this time around, but maybe next time??? This guy has it together.

  • December 2, 2013 at 10:32 am
    Always Amazed says:
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    You’ve GOT to be kidding! When Obama was running around the country trying to get Obamacare’s approval from “the public” we told him loud and clear that we didn’t was a government socialized healthcare plan and that did us a world of good. Now he’s graciously giving “the public” 30 days to comment on the proposed changes. What a pompous ass.

    • December 2, 2013 at 11:51 am
      FFA says:
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      AA, it just don’t matter to him what Joe Public wants. He is one of the fat cats that people generally despise but don’t because he is OBama.

    • December 2, 2013 at 1:29 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      You mean when candidate Obama went around the country asking for your vote and used healthcare reform as his major platform issue? Oh, and then got elected? And then, was re-elected with his healthcare law as a major election issue?

      Good thing for you, Always, we didn’t get the government socialized healthcare plan. You know, private carriers are the ones offering the coverage, right? I, for one of many, was hoping for at least the public option. Ideally, single payer or Medicare for all. Instead, President Obama rolls out a Republican think tank’s plan. Well, baby steps, I guess.

      • December 2, 2013 at 1:44 pm
        Celtica says:
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        Dear Amazed — out of curiosity, how many Obama meetings did you attend to deliver your message?

      • December 2, 2013 at 4:21 pm
        LiveFree says:
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        “You know, private carriers are the ones offering the coverage, right?”

        It’s still a forced offer that is regulated to the moon. Might as well be a government policy.

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