Target’s Cyber Insurance Softens Blow of Massive Credit Breach

By Dhanya Skariachan and | February 26, 2014

  • March 3, 2014 at 3:56 pm
    Dennis Brodsky says:
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    Are the Employees part of the Enterprise? Yes!
    We offer security to businesses all the time. For thousands of dollars. How about you and the Employees and your families, individually or in the workplace. Identity Theft Protection. For Minor Children, Social Security / Employment, Credit Card, Drivers License, Criminal Character, Medical, these are all terrible thing that happen to everyday people. If you know someone who has experienced anyone of these Identity Theft Crisis then you know the headache it is to clear this up and restore oneself back to before it happened. The phone calls, the letters, the times of each of these written down, the documentation of all of this, the loss of work, it goes on and on for weeks and months. This time is brought into the work place and disrupts not just the employee that is effected but others around him / her. How can we help take all the burden off the shoulders of these employees if devastation occurs. So I ask again. How about the Employees? The most dynamic part of the Enterprise.

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