Mighty Mississippi River’s Flood Control System Met Its Match in 2011

By Tom Bassing, Delta Democratic Times | May 1, 2014

  • May 2, 2014 at 12:35 pm
    Dean says:
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    I think you mean batture, not batcher.

  • May 3, 2014 at 11:38 pm
    Keith Mackie says:
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    I was fascinated by the description of the “batches” (or are they called “batture”?). Our modern day world has given us a “rush to the seaside” and concomitant urban infrastructure development and crowding on the sea shore. On open, oceanic, high energy shores it is the extreme storms, not floods that cause the damage but the net effect on seashore communities is much the same. This has led to calls for development to “retreat” from the seashore and storm wave exposure. The net effect would be not dissimilar to the “batches”.

    Hence I would be very interested to learn how property ownership and property rights were handled in the process of establishing the “batches”. There may be lessons to be learned for coastal management.

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