Judge Approves NFL Concussion Settlement

By | July 8, 2014

  • July 8, 2014 at 1:44 pm
    Patty Gouthro says:
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    Are you kidding me??? Nobody told them there was a relationship between getting your brains bashed around inside your head playing football and brain damag? Someone somewhere has major brain damage to award this kind of money to men too stupid to know that playing football can cause brain damage. I am ashamed and embarassed by our legal system.

    • July 8, 2014 at 3:53 pm
      Agent says:
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      Nobody forced these guys to put their name on their multi million dollar contract to play football. The problem these guys have is that they are pretty much unsuited for any other occupation and many are broke within a few years of retirement due to bad investments and leaches from their family. A lot of them get into trouble pushing drugs or doing something else illegal and get caught. One good example was Nate Newton, formerly an All Pro guard with the Cowboys. After retirement, he was pulled over by a cop and they found 4 large bundles of Marijuana in his trunk. Oops! He said it wasn’t his and he didn’t know how it got there. Right Nate! I think he did 4 or 5 years in prison.

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