Players, Families Urge Judge to Reject NFL Concussion Settlement

By and | November 19, 2014

  • November 20, 2014 at 9:20 am
    insurancepro2 says:
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    I’m not discounting the tragedy the players and families endured but these guys get MILLIONS of dollars and health coverage. Perhaps if they would have spent the monies more prudently rather than lavishly they would have had the resources for their condition. Not to mention that you CHOSE to do this sport and unless you are mentally incompetent before you started playing you should realize the risks associated with constant bombardment of your body. Just an observation

  • December 19, 2014 at 6:56 pm
    regular joe says:
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    $765 million divided by 21,000 retired players = $36,428 per player. It’s no wonder the judge had rejected such a ridiculously low offer earlier in the year. The “99%” of the retired players approved the deal, because the injuries left them destitute, financially and mentally. How much care can you get out of that $36k, for how long? If they do approve that low amount, it’d be a slap in the face for these retired players.

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