Uber: Hackers May Have Stolen Data on 50,000 Drivers

By | March 2, 2015

  • March 2, 2015 at 2:44 pm
    Trish says:
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    If hacked in May 14 and discovered in Sept 14 – why the big wait to alert people? If someone gets your driver’s license information, they can do a LOT with that info. Once again, Uber wants to break all the laws governing “ride sharing”… the solution is SIMPLE, let all the taxi cab companies in the country operate under the same laws they craft for Uber. After all, both organizations are: 1. Getting requests for rides, 2. Disseminating the requests to their drivers, 3. Driver decides to accept the request, 4. Driver picks up passenger. The only difference is cab drivers have had physicals, drugs tests, CPR course, paid for the medallion, had their vehicle safety inspected each week, have REGULATED fares… I am sure all the taxi drivers in this country would be fine with Uber once the taxi drivers have to abide by the same laws!

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