Large, Mid-Sized Agencies Grew 5%, Maintained Strong Profit in Q1: Reagan

May 10, 2016

  • May 10, 2016 at 2:28 pm
    Agent says:
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    Well, growth is still possible for mid and larger agencies, but from what I have observed, these agencies are growing more by acquisition than organic since the economy is not good. I have an agent friend who was pretty much a mom and pop agency that was absorbed by a large agency. He is staying around, but told me it is a brave new world out there.

    • May 11, 2016 at 9:22 am
      Ron says:
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      Posting based off of headlines again? Did you even read the first sentence?

      “Organic revenue growth at privately-held large and mid-sized insurance agencies bounced to 5.1 percent for the first quarter of 2016, up from 4.6 percent for the full year 2015, according to the latest Reagan Consulting Organic Growth and Profitability (OGP) survey.”

      • May 11, 2016 at 10:33 am
        Agent says:
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        Still having reading comprehension Ron? Did you miss my statement on what “I” have observed with agencies? Where did I criticize that some are growing at 5.1%? Actually, 5.1% growth is a fairly conservative organic growth and an agent has to work hard to maintain it in the Obama economy you hold so dear. It is a lot better than the 2-2.5% GDP of the economy, poor job creation, worst labor participation rate in 38 years.

        • May 11, 2016 at 11:34 am
          Ron says:
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          I did read and comprehend your statement. What I was pointing out is that your posts was meaningless based upon article presented. You need to start looking at things outside of your own little world. Maybe things are tough in your next of the woods, but it appears to be going better elsewhere.

          You keep referencing the LPR as the only negative indicator in the current economy. Do you know under which president the LPR increased the most in a 4 year span? Hint: It was not a Republican and the economy, based on GDP growth, was worse than it is now.

          • May 11, 2016 at 12:46 pm
            Agent says:
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            Guess what Ron, your President has never approached a 3% growth rate in his nearly 8 years in office which happens to be the worst record of recovery ever after a recession. Despite all the recovery summers, a Stimulus that didn’t stimulate and only ran up the debt further, it is an abysmal record any way you slice it. I thought Carter was bad, but he doesn’t hold a candle to Obama and Progressivism.

          • May 12, 2016 at 8:36 am
            Ron says:
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            Does this mean you are not going to answer my question?

            OK. It was during President Carter’s administration. Would you say the economy was doing well at that time? Maybe the LPR has much more to do with other forces outside of GDP.

            Since 2010, the economy has experienced only 1 quarter of negative growth. Guess how many during President GW Bush’s last year? 5. The worst quarter since 2010? -1.5%. There were 5 quarters during President GW Bush’s term that were worse with the lowest being -8.2%.


            I have never said the economy has been booming or even doing well under President Obama. But, to say it has been the worst in history or destroyed by his policies is blatantly false.

            The economy experienced its worst declines under the watch of Republican presidents. I am not saying they are to blame, but those are the facts.

            I have facts, you have rhetoric.

            I win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • May 13, 2016 at 9:29 am
            Captain Planet says:
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            Agent loses every time he opens his mouth. #loserbreath

    • May 11, 2016 at 9:49 am
      confused says:
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      who cares what 130 companies are reporting? agent knows one guy whose experience is different, so that’s what agent believes is true. cue the agent downvotes to hide these comments in 3….2…1…

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