Transportation, Tragedy and Lessons from Tesla Autopilot Fatality

By | July 5, 2016

  • July 5, 2016 at 1:56 pm
    Dave says:
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    I’ve seen human drivers driving Autos for my entire life and I can say without fear of contradiction, machine driven cars will be better and safer than human driven cars. How much safer? I am not yet sure. But safer? Yes. A little over a month ago I witnessed a death causing accident where a woman pulled an illegal U-Turn through the grass divider on Interstate 55 in central Illinois. The driver was killed as she pulled in front of oncoming traffic and two women in the vehicle who hit her were injured. That act would not have been committed were the car driven by machine and one person would still be alive and two others would not be injured. If 5,000 or 10,000 lives could be saved every year with the use of such cars, what argument could one make to not use them? 5,000-10,000 is not enough lives to save? I don’t understand the logic.

  • July 5, 2016 at 5:12 pm
    Edwin says:
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    This author seems to have some kind of grudge against autonomous cars. “Even the best transportation technologies regularly kill people.”

    Really… “regularly”?

    That’s complete nonsense, if you look at it statistically there is 1 fatality for every 100 Million miles driven in the US. Tesla has 130 Million miles clocked using autopilot before this happened.

    That’s not exactly “…a sad reminder that the industry has a long way to go, and perhaps needs to slow down.” The lack of numerical reasoning in this article is sad for a website about insurance.

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