Insurance and Climate Change column

What Climate Change Has to Do with Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis

By | September 22, 2016

  • September 23, 2016 at 11:44 am
    Pamela says:
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    The climate change is a result of the earth shifts and the crest eating itself if you will and purging it’s built up lava. Not the other way as indicated in this article.

  • September 23, 2016 at 1:46 pm
    uboreMe says:
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    ::Deniers, start your engines.::

    What a sophomoric way to start what you probably thought was a “serious” article. And IJ gives you voice. Nice. Is it work from home Friday for the editorial staff? So trying to poke fun at people that disagree, as if this is truly settled science, is a good way to go? And it’s not settled by any means – it’s a consensus of a subset of the “scientific” community, most of whom get their funding from the government.

    We have no idea what the mysteries of what’s going on are. To suggest otherwise is the height of arrogance. Then again, wasn’t it none other than Barack Hussein O that said “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”? Ya.

  • September 23, 2016 at 1:50 pm
    Captain Planet says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    Climate Change!?! Everyone knows the planet is flat and the sun revolves around us. You want to know why all these disasters are happening? Gay marriage! People of Kim Davis unite! Drumpf for Pence-ident, 2016!

  • September 23, 2016 at 3:36 pm
    B.Right says:
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    Hey I’m not a denier. I know the climate will change. The days will begin to get cooler now that it’s fall, then after winter we’ll see it start to get warmer again.

  • September 26, 2016 at 7:58 am
    Phildee says:
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    A good article completely devalued by the Denier digs. What a shame.

    • September 27, 2016 at 6:42 pm
      Jax Agent says:
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      ‘A good article’ ? What did you find ‘good’ about it ? I know: it supported your totally uninformed opinion, fed to you by the left wing, liberal media. That would make you a Kool-aid drinking lemming. Nothing to be proud of there. But then again, forming independent thought has never been a hallmark of the left. Do what you are told. Believe what we tell you to believe.
      Sadly, people within the scientific community that have an opinion that doesn’t match up with the left’s script are ostracized by their own colleagues. There is no room for discussion, debate or any line of thinking other than the one being distributed by the left. The same ‘left’ that apparently doesn’t or can’t read history, and if they did, wouldn’t believe any of it that doesn’t support their narrative. George Washington’s account of crossing a nearly frozen Delaware River has to be rewritten so as to comply, despite the fact that it is commonly understood that our planet was experiencing a ‘mini ice age’ that was in the throes of wrapping up during that fateful winter of 1776 – 1777. It lasted nearly 400 years and had a devastating effect on life on this planet. Let’s ignore that too.

      Phildee, methinks you’re a bedwetter. Wake up.

  • September 26, 2016 at 9:36 am
    Robert Watson says:
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    Why not be honest and call it what you mean, Global Warming, and is causing earthquakes, Tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions, thanks to human CO2 emissions. To call it climate change and that any one who disagrees is a denier is ludicrous, one has to be an idiot to deny climate change, the climate has been changing since the earths beginning. In the earths climate history we have had warm periods (even warmer than now), cold periods and relatively moderate periods before man made CO2. And during these periods of climate change there were earthquakes, Tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. Gee, how is that possible without human intervention?

    • September 26, 2016 at 10:25 am
      uboreMe says:
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      Right. And just how did the last ice age end without human CO2 emissions, plastic water bottles and disposable diapers? It’s not about the planet with these whack jobs – it’s about control. Of us. Guys like this who write articles like this one are just useful idiots – drone-like foot soldiers in the war on Liberty.

  • September 27, 2016 at 10:14 pm
    David Heckman says:
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    I don’t know about climate change but the author’s grasp plate tectonics seems uninformed. The melting of ice does not decrease the weight of the water. Greenland will rebound after it becomes ice free, sometime in the future, something like the great lakes are doing now. The San Andreas is a transform fault, it became one 10-15mya after the Farallon plate subducted under the north American plate, the remainder of the Farallon plate is causing volcanism in Cascadia and Mexico. He should pass on his insights to the USGS.

  • September 28, 2016 at 8:49 am
    Captain Planet says:
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    Deniers and censors unite!
    Climate Change!?! Everyone knows the planet is flat and the sun revolves around us. You want to know why all these disasters are happening? Gay marriage! People of Kim Davis, Drumpf for Pence-ident, 2016!

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