Presidential Veto of 9/11 Saudi Arabia Lawsuit Bill Faces Possible Override

By and | September 25, 2016

  • September 25, 2016 at 9:09 pm
    As1991 says:
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    Passing the a bill is no way combating terrorism nor preventing future attacks. It will have a negative impact and threaten US economy. That does not mean I do not sympathise with 9/11 families. In fact, it is totally the opposite what happened was a unforgettable tragedy. Aside from the fact that SA was not involved in way or another. So, there is no point in allowing families to sue the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it would result in nothing.There is no need to repeat SA as if it was behind the attack.On the other hand, it means that other countries have the right to demand for justice for their loved ones.

  • September 26, 2016 at 1:31 pm
    WyomingAgent says:
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    Wish I had the time to read this bill(and the ability to read lawyereze)to see what it would actually accomplish. What proof does anyone have that the Saudi government bankrolled the terrorists involved? Seems to me that if our government suspected Saudi support, something would have been done as punishment. Withholding military arms or something of that nature. No way would I see our government outright accuse them nor publicly announce that they had proof of involvement! To much money from the Saudi’s on the line for that! At this point I have no firm standing one way or the other for this bill. Almost sounds like an election year gimmick.

    • September 26, 2016 at 2:40 pm
      Deplorables says:
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      So these families cannot hold anyone responsible/accountable? All these dudes were Saudi that did 9-11. Usama Bin Laden was Saudi and he operated freely and had a lot of money in Saudi banks. Why didn’t Saudi Arabia crack down on this dude and his followers before the attack? In my view, they were complicit. By the way, we no longer need Saudi oil so if they shut us off, they can eat their oil.

      • September 26, 2016 at 4:32 pm
        WyomingAgent says:
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        But the whole issue is proving that the Saudi government was complicit. Just because Bin Laden was a Saudi citizen does not make the government complicit. If that becomes the international standard, every person who commits a crime in a country other than their own makes their government responsible for their actions. Do we really want to open that can of worms? People are not help accountable enough for their own actions, always the fault of someone else!

        • September 29, 2016 at 1:25 pm
          bob says:
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          In the first point, this only allows for one to sue, it does not make a country complicit.

          If the evidence shows they had been complicit, then it allows funds to be awarded after a court case.

          This does not allow for an award without a trial.

          What Obama is saying here is extremely misleading, and there are actual good reporters talking about this.

          And this is a good thing I might add. Countries need to be held accountable if officials take part in attacks.

          As a side comment, the evidence currently shows that no Saudi officials were involved in 9/11. So everyone is being misleading in what would happen if this were to be allowed. This itself would not cause the Saudi government to be held liable for 9/11 as things stand now as there is no evidence they took any part in the event.

        • September 29, 2016 at 1:27 pm
          bob says:
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          I should ask what are the ramification if we don’t pass this law?

          For example:

          We have information that Russia is complicit in the take over of Crimea and stirring up rebels both there and inside of Ukraine.

          We know they are doing it. We have the intel. Many countries are trying to figure out how to take action through the UN.

          Are you telling me we should not hold Russia accountable and hold a trial since he is being complicit in the attacks against Ukraine?

          I find the amount of flip flopping based on political allegiance here mind boggling.

        • September 29, 2016 at 1:30 pm
          bob says:
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          Before you call me out:

          I’m aware of the differences between Russia and other scenarios.

          Russia would in all likelihood not trigger this law, it is a different scenario. We won’t be suing Russia, at least not likely.

          However, there are other nations we may very well have reason to hold liable.

          If other nations want to sue us and say our officials knowingly did something, they can do that as well, if they have evidence.

          I find that fair.

          I have heard tin foil hat people claim this would allow countries to try people for war crimes and murder in Iraq as individuals, however, that is untrue, and this law would certainly not have a rebound affect to that degree. That is wild speculation of retaliation on an individual level based on a country level. There is no reason to believe that would happen.

          • September 30, 2016 at 2:19 pm
            UW says:
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            Your knowledge is so superficial almost everything you say is “not even wrong”.

            “Russia would in all likelihood not trigger this law, it is a different scenario. We won’t be suing Russia, at least not likely.”

            That’s your assumption, which is irrelevant to people who have determined your fantasy world is a joke, and it also ignores future ramifications.

            The issue is removing decades of international agreements and putting this stuff in the courts. If you remove sovereign immunity in this case there is no reason other countries can’t and won’t in other cases. Even with an agreement individual US soldiers could be sued in Iraq, under Iraqi law, and held liable for anything their courts determine to be a crime. Russia alternatively could sue the US in courts for actions in a place like Syria, Iran could sue, and win for the damage the US reportedly inflicted through the Stuxnet violence-they could now do that here. Innocents harmed by drones could sue, and the relatives of the innocent people you have supported murdering and torturing could sue in the US or foreign courts. They could probably do this anyways in some cases now through the UN, but now their people could do it here, or in other countries.

            Your comments on Crimea are moronic. That can and should be done through multinational groups like the UN where countries on the whole can weigh in, not in a civil or criminal court. There are already ways to do this with individuals, most of which conservatives disagree with.

            Don’t rip on people for tinfoil hats when seemingly your whole ideology is based on conspiracy theories. Try a dunce hat.

          • September 30, 2016 at 4:44 pm
            UW says:
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            Also, this will probably be ruled unconstitutional because a US court must have personal jurisdiction to hear a case, and they won’t have general jurisdiction over Saudi Arabia, obviously. But showing the other option, specific jurisdiction will be even harder, since just showing they financed al Qaeda, for example would not be enough, they would have to show they actively supported attacks directly, which is not likely.

            But, the consequences allowing other countries with less developed judicial systems to do the same against Americans who stand, and we could be held liable, or Americans could be sued.

      • September 27, 2016 at 3:19 am
        OnlyFacts says:
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        Osama Bin Laden was supported by the Saudi government at a certain point in time during his fight against the Soviet Union. But he was also supported by the US government. The Mujahedeen were a big thing in the 80s and the US government used them to help bring the Soviet Union to its knees. They were given American weapons and logistical support.

        OBL’s Saudi citizenship has been revoked before 9/11 (in 1994 to be specific), and he had no money or presence inside the country.

        Get the facts, THEN act.

        • September 27, 2016 at 9:32 am
          Deplorables says:
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          Only, please explain why Bin Laden hated America if he had been supported by America against the Soviet Union. Hey America, thanks for helping me out. How about I try to destroy you now. You are infidels and don’t deserve to live.

          • September 27, 2016 at 11:58 am
            WyomingAgent says:
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            America is the “Great Satan” to radical Muslims and must be destroyed if we don’t convert. Bin Laden was prompted to attack the USA after he saw the limited response from President Clinton to attacks on our interests/citizens overseas. Even Saddam Hussien was supported by us when he was fighting Iran!

          • September 28, 2016 at 11:22 am
            UW says:
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            bin Laden did not like that the US had troops who were non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia, the home of Mecca, their holiest site. They attacked the Khobar Towers for that reason and the attacks on the embassy was on the anniversary of troops being put in Saudi Arabia. He also had problems with what many viewed as US attacks against Muslims in places like Somalia and Chechnya.

          • September 29, 2016 at 8:48 am
            Captain Planet says:

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