Widow Sues Saudi Arabia for Sept. 11 Attacks Under New Law

By | October 3, 2016

  • October 3, 2016 at 1:58 pm
    Kazoo86 says:
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    I wonder how successful she will be as this was an act of war on the part of Al Qaeda. The US, although not declaring war, used military force, to go after the attackers. Bin Laden, was captured and executed.
    Many other Americans have died in this struggle in but the attack and retribution. Are we going to go after Saudi Arabia, to compensate all the casualties of this war? I think this is an uphill battle.

    • October 3, 2016 at 4:43 pm
      UW says:
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      It was not an act of war, it was an act of terrorism and insurgency. A group line al Qaeda cannot commit an act of war. Read Robert Fox for anybody interested in this and the difference.

  • October 3, 2016 at 4:40 pm
    UW says:
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    All the conservatives here who have been making this claim for years will be consistent and say she should have to pay Saudi Arabia’s legal fees and court costs if she cannot prove her case and loses, right?

    • October 3, 2016 at 6:14 pm
      integrity matters says:
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      If we had laws pertaining to frivolous lawsuits, I would say “Absolutely!”

      If there were a law, the question would then become “Would this be a frivolous lawsuit?” That would be a tough one to answer because we do not know what evidence this lady might have that could prove otherwise. Based on what we know (or think we know), I think it would be a frivolous suit.

      For the record, I think this is a bad law that was passed. Congress finally grows a set of b*lls to stand up to Obama, but on the wrong issue.

  • October 3, 2016 at 5:22 pm
    Sniffles says:
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    I remember watching Muslims tailgate, waiting for the planes to hit. I have my team of investigators looking for the video of that. There they were, dressed in their terrorist jerseys grilling and playing yard games, just waiting for the planes. That’s why we aren’t going to let them in any more until we find out what’s happening. I call it my Marvin Gaye strategy. In other words, “what’s going on?” We aren’t going to let them in until we find out what’s going on, believe me. Some people are saying I am right about that. Including Sean Hannity. Just call him, that’s all you have to do is call Hannity. Big beautiful door.

  • October 3, 2016 at 6:07 pm
    integrity matters says:
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    There is very little that I have ever agreed with Obama. This is one of them. Congress should not have passed this law allowing people to sue a foreign sovereignty. This will come back to bite this country at some point.

    • October 10, 2016 at 4:09 pm
      Deplorables says:
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      integrity, hasn’t this country been bitten enough? When you have a President bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia, that is a sure sign of submissiveness to Islam. I predict Obama will come out as a Muslim after he leaves office and be seen going to Mosque.

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