AARP Suit Says Workplace Wellness Programs Raise Medical Privacy Concerns

By | October 25, 2016

  • October 25, 2016 at 2:01 pm
    Jim Backus says:
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    My wife’s employer penalizes you if you do not participate. The surcharge is approx 30% additional premium.

    Many of the wife’s co-workers simply lie about their health and exercise, to avoid the surcharge.

  • October 25, 2016 at 3:58 pm
    QueenCity#1 says:
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    Kind of like being penalized if you don’t participate in the (un)Affordable Health Care Act. My currently unemployed son can not afford the $600+ per month cost for health care. How can an unemployed person afford to pay insurance? But he will pay the fine when it comes time to file his taxes, because they take it out automatically from any refund he might get. And the fine increases every year.

  • October 25, 2016 at 5:12 pm
    TxLady says:
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    My son’s employer surcharged you if you did not participate. Same as what Jim said, approximately 30%. My husband’s old employer made us participate in wellness surveys to get extra money to use towards deductibles. The questions were not just health related. They asked how you felt about your employer, what your opinion of them was, among other very private health questions. When asked these things about the employer in the survey, I would ask what does this have to do with my health? The surveyor would have no answer but to say they just ask the questions that are given them. These program are just wrong. They are data mining for the carrier and for the company.

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