Spending Deal Keeping Government Open Undermines Trump’s Wish List

By , and | May 1, 2017

  • May 1, 2017 at 2:05 pm
    Counterpoint says:
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    It’s good that both parties were able to come together to get this new plan smoothly passed but on the other hand it is a bit worrying that we are becoming so used to these additional deficit spending bills.

    • May 1, 2017 at 2:59 pm
      Agent says:
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      Counterpoint, what is most disturbing is that our monstrous government cannot pass an annual budget and resort to quarterly spending bills instead. That tends to mask how bad overspending actually is in the Federal Government.

      • May 3, 2017 at 11:27 am
        Confused says:
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        Man, I hear ya. Things would be a lot better if we had one party holding the majority in all three branches of the government, and that party was against big government. Imagine how much would get done! End sarcasm.

        • May 3, 2017 at 2:55 pm
          bob says:
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          “Man, I hear ya. Things would be a lot better if we had one party holding the majority in all three branches of the government, and that party was against big government. Imagine how much would get done! End sarcasm.”

          Having a majority is not synonymous with control. You need 60 votes, in other words, of the 49 democrats, you would need over 20 percent of them to support you to pass laws, even if 100% of you pushed your agenda.

          Saying republicans have majorities is narrow minded, and does not show who is stopping smaller government.

          Also: Show me democrats who have submitted decreased spending proposals. I’ll wait.

          I’ll start with a republican who has done it several times: Paul Ryan. Now you. Ready, steady, GO!

          • May 3, 2017 at 4:23 pm
            Agent says:
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            Welcome back Bob. You might have hurt the young troll’s feelings and he will have to go back to his safe space. Bob, Ryano is not coming along well on a number of fronts. It is apparent he was the wrong choice for Speaker of the House. Wouldn’t be surprised if he is replaced by the Mid Terms. McConnell is not much better. Our President is not leading from behind like the former POTUS. The agenda is set, he is keeping his promises and they need to get moving on recovering this country.

  • May 1, 2017 at 3:15 pm
    Realist says:
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    CUT SPENDING, across the board.

    • May 1, 2017 at 5:12 pm
      Agent says:
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      Realist, that is a great idea that I have championed for many years. We never had a budget under our former Socialist President. He had two great friends, Reid and Pelosi watching his back and lying for him on the spending.

      • May 2, 2017 at 8:50 am
        Ron says:
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        You may have been championing that, and I agree with you 100%, but the people you want in charge apparently have no interest.

        Does this make President Trump a Socialist? How about his 2 great friends, Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell?

        • May 2, 2017 at 10:19 am
          Agent says:
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          Ron, Progressive Democrats are the worst possible people in government. You should seriously consider changing sides. Wasn’t the previous 8 years bad enough to suit you? That is why we had a change made 11-8-16. Massive failure of the Obama agenda.

          • May 2, 2017 at 10:58 am
            Ron says:
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            Will you ever admit that Republicans have proven to not be much better? When is the last time a Republican complained about the national debt? Answer: 11/7/2016. (Probably not true, but it feels that way)

            Until you realize they do not care about the things you care about, they will continue to use you for your vote.

            As soon as Republicans go back to being fiscally conservative and stop trying to restrict the liberties of those with whom they disagree, I will go back. Until then, I will remain an Independent.

          • May 3, 2017 at 2:59 pm
            bob says:
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            “Will you ever admit that Republicans have proven to not be much better? When is the last time a Republican complained about the national debt? Answer: 11/7/2016. (Probably not true, but it feels that way)”

            Wrong. As I said to Confused, even with 51 senators, they still need 20% of democrats to finally do spending cuts. If they lose even 10% (5) they can’t get what they want as a whole (90%). The majority of republicans want cuts, the majority of democrats don’t, and the media have you missed their constant bashing at cuts? They do it all the time.

            33 republicans sponsored this bill, and this is only one.


            They also numerous times tried to pass bills without Obamacare. You actually got ticked off that they even tried. So simultaneously they are trying and not trying. Is that it?

  • May 2, 2017 at 8:46 am
    Ron says:
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    It’s amazing how naive Republican supporters have become. I was always told that the GOP was the party of fiscally responsible adults.

    • May 2, 2017 at 10:42 am
      Bill says:
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      Republicans haven’t been fiscally responsible for maybe 40 years or more. Every Republican administration has left the country with greater debt than any prior to his term(s) in office. So, they are no better than Dems.

      You can find this information on the GAO website.

      • May 2, 2017 at 11:00 am
        Ron says:
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        And that is why I left the party. However, I do still vote for more Republicans then Democrats, if there is not an Independent running.

      • May 3, 2017 at 3:20 pm
        bob says:
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        Correction: Democrats have blocked their bills for 40 years or more.

        The only real area republicans have to work on is military spending. Not all of them back that as is, but it’s true most do.

        In that scenario it’s much easier to write to your representatives that you prefer military cuts and try to get some leeway, than to write a democrat on every line item of spending they try to push forward for the poor. Seriously. We are now considering a soda tax here, after we just passed the RTA for further infrastructure spending. WA is like a runaway train. They never just say “Ok, we’ve spent enough” On the other hand, looking at Texas state spending which I just put up, they are considerably responsible in their spending, in areas they can pass that democrats can’t block.

    • May 3, 2017 at 8:22 am
      PolarBeaRepeal says:
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      The US mil is finally being rebuilt. You forgot about the impact of THAT increase on the ‘fiscal irresponsibility’ part of your criticism.

      Fiscal responsibility will occur in 5 MONTHS when a new budget is installed – – – with so many cuts to welfare and socialist causes that you’ll pack your bags and head to Cana-duh or Greece or Venezuela or Cuba or… uh oh! All of those places are running out of other peoples’ money, too!… but much faster than the USA.

      • May 3, 2017 at 9:01 am
        Ron says:
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        Please, for your own benefit, stop making predictions regarding the Republicans’ ability to get anything done.

        I am not sure why I would leave. I have been advocating for those cuts for years since none of them benefit me or my family.

        • May 3, 2017 at 4:35 pm
          Agent says:
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          Ron, you have been vocal that you have not paid Federal Income tax for years and years. You expect the better off to pay them for you. How about stepping up to the plate and contribute for a change. Trump may actually lower your taxes anyway, but you will have no loopholes to jump through. Never fear, your mortgage will be safe and if you choose to do charitable contributions like to your church, that will also be safe.

      • May 3, 2017 at 4:38 pm
        Agent says:
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        Polar, I am in favor of building as many MOAB bombs as possible and unleashing them on Fat Boy before he can start a big war. Good thing China & Russia are seeing the light on Fat Boy. They may have to go in and get that crazy boy and put him out of his misery.

        • May 4, 2017 at 1:43 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          Can you please clarify? By Fat Boy, you mean the one in North Korea and not the one in The Oval Office, right?

          • May 4, 2017 at 5:03 pm
            Agent says:
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            The one in the Oval Office is svelte by comparison. He also has a titanium spine, unlike the skinny wuss we have had for the past 8 years. Wow did this country go down during this period.

          • May 5, 2017 at 9:02 am
            Captain Planet says:
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            The one in The Oval Office is crazier than the one in North Korea. And by that, I mean all things delusional. A clinical narcissistic sociopath.

    • May 3, 2017 at 3:00 pm
      bob says:
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      And they are.

      Show me a democrat who has proposed a budget with massive cuts.

      • May 3, 2017 at 4:31 pm
        Agent says:
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        Bob, I think JFK wanted to cut back on spending for the Vietnam War and reduce the presence there, but he was an old school Democrat and we know what happened to him. That Democratic Party vanished and replaced by the Progressive Socialist Democrat Party that we have now with leadership of Pelosi Galore, Chucky Schmucky and the departed worst President in our history. Throw in Maxine Waters as the gadfly of the party if you like.

        • May 3, 2017 at 5:11 pm
          bob says:
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          My link was held, darn, and I split the links up too.

          I’ll wait to see if it posts. It was a great post. I might just blow your mind here. Just know you made a crucial error in your commentary in regards to Kennedy and the Vietnam War. Look it up a bit. You might figure it out before my post gets approved.

          • May 4, 2017 at 5:11 pm
            Agent says:
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            Bob, I did just that and several articles confirm my report on Kennedy’s plans. We only had 17,000 “advisors” in Vietnam at the time. Kennedy had exit plans and first phase was 1,000 troops. Of course, things on the ground deteriorated and Diem was ousted in a coup so that changed the strategy. About a month later, Kennedy was assassinated and LBJ went completely the other way and escalated, much to the delight of the military and military industrial complex. There was a lot of money to be made back in the day on military equipment, arms etc. LBJ orchestrated the Gulf of Tonkin incident as a way to escalate the war. End result, nearly 500,000 of our boys killed, millions wounded and society fractured. Both Kennedy and LBJ were both Democrats. Republican Richard Nixon had to clean up the mess and get out.

  • May 2, 2017 at 4:57 pm
    Steve-Oh says:
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    nothing needs to be in the budget for building the wall, since Mexico is paying for it. The Mexican President left a check in Trumps desk for $10-20B, right? I’m a conservative who did not vote for trump or Hillary. First election in 35 years I haven’t voted in. Consider me among those disgusted by it all, all sides, all parties and ALMOST all politicians. Nobody is draining the swamp, just adding different types of gators!

    • May 2, 2017 at 5:01 pm
      Agent says:
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      Steve-Oh, if you can’t tell the difference between Progressive Democrats and Republicans and therefor not vote, I feel sorry for you. Was 8 years of very bad governance and advancement of the Progressive Agenda not enough for you?

      • May 3, 2017 at 8:51 am
        Ron says:
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        That is not what he said. As soon as someone says anything against your Dear Leader and/or the Republican Party, you lose your mind and ability to comprehend that person’s entire message.

        However, he does speak for a majority of the people who say we are disgusted with both parties and nearly all politicians.

    • May 3, 2017 at 8:24 am
      PolarBeaRepeal says:
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      Uh oh, Steve-Oh! You missed Ted Cruz’ solution to funding The Wall. Search for it on AlGore’s internet. Ignore all the listed references to Pink Floyd’s album of 1979.

      • May 3, 2017 at 11:36 am
        Agent says:
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        Polar, saw a good solution the other day on the wall that Congress reluctant to fund so far. The idea is to have 63 million Trump voters who wanted the wall to send $100 each. I believe the $6.3 Billion would do a lot to build it. Mexico might be willing to kick in some more when their produce trucks start getting stopped at the border.

        • May 3, 2017 at 11:41 am
          Ron says:
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          They would need to pay the whole $20+ billion, or $317.46 each. Then they can subrogate against Mexico for refunds.


          • May 3, 2017 at 12:13 pm
            Confused says:
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            It disgusts me that the American Taxpayer is ultimately going to pay for the wall. We doubt Mexico will pay us back (they said they wouldn’t) and if we increase tarriffs to cover the cost, Mexico will just shift the increase towards the retail selling price making the American Taxpayer pay for it anyway. I hope this is one more campaign promise Trump does a 180 on and doesn’t pursue further.

          • May 3, 2017 at 2:35 pm
            Agent says:
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            Ever hear of competitive bidding Ron? No, I didn’t think so. Progressives don’t do business that way, business people do. No way this wall should cost $20 billion if proper procedures and competitive bidding is used. Much like Trump telling Boeing that two AF1’s was way too high and Boeing coming back and saying they could do it for the original asking price. The F-35 Fighter plane cost has also been rolled back. Time to put business practices in to replace Progressive out of control spending has reigned supreme for far too many years.

          • May 3, 2017 at 3:30 pm
            Ron says:
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            Ever hear of having to make a profit?

            I really do not care if it only costs $20 as long as $0 comes from the taxpayers.

            President Trump is bragging about the 73% decrease in illegals coming across the border already. I applaud him and the great people of the Border patrol for this accomplishment. Oops, did I just give president trump credit again?

            If he has been this successful in 100 days, why do we need a wall? Oh yeah, he said drugs. Because they only get into the country is on land. Drug smugglers may be the most creative people in the word. To think a wall will even slow down the import of drugs is naïve at best. They use planes, boats, submarines, tunnels, etc., that a wall will not stop.

          • May 3, 2017 at 5:42 pm
            bob says:
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            “It disgusts me that the American Taxpayer is ultimately going to pay for the wall. We doubt Mexico will pay us back (they said they wouldn’t) and if we increase tarriffs to cover the cost, Mexico will just shift the increase towards the retail selling price making the American Taxpayer pay for it anyway. I hope this is one more campaign promise Trump does a 180 on and doesn’t pursue further.”

            htt p://www.fairus.org/publications/the-fiscal-burden-of-illegal-immigration-on-united-states-taxpayers

            Even if we paid for the wall I wouldn’t care, though I’m sure Mexico will end up getting hit in some way on this. The reason Mexico should pay for this wall is a moral issue I might add. 20% of our prison population is illegal immigrants from Mexico. Mexico is clearly not taking care of their population, and even say the wall is divisive to allow more people to go.

            This is not me hating on Mexicans. These are simply facts. The cost on society from illegal immigration is high. We should have standards of who crosses the borders, and a wall is pretty much the tangible way to try and limit who does actually come over. This also benefits legal immigrants. We can only accept so many and the numbers are influenced by how much we think we can handle. Also, moreover, when people come to our nation that cannot speak English, the vast majority of the time they remain in low skill jobs. Wouldn’t it be better to keep them in their native language, and help them climb the wall in their own country? Lingual barriers are real.

            What disgusts me is that no one is thinking about why we need a handle on this, the real problems that are out there, ICE letting out convicted criminals (did you miss that report?) and no one is thinking outside of “that’s bigoted” on one end and “who is going to pay for it?” on the other (I don’t mean Trump, this is different. I mean people who reject the wall reject it on that basis and use it as an attack. It doesn’t matter who pays for the wall. We need it. Note I also just mocked both sides, typical democrats and typical republicans).

            The wall is something we’ve needed for sometime. Let’s get it done.

          • May 3, 2017 at 5:43 pm
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            The WALL isn’t needless. It will pay for itself in saved welfare bennies to Illegals, decreased crime, decreased drug traffic, and less election fraud.

            Build it ASAP! Ready, steady, … GO!

          • May 3, 2017 at 6:22 pm
            bob says:
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            I wanted to deal with this separately:

            “I hope this is one more campaign promise Trump does a 180 on and doesn’t pursue further”

            List the items he has switched his policy regarding.

            I saw a CNN link that went over this and mislead on literally 5 out of 5 topics.

            Itemize his 180’s please.

        • May 3, 2017 at 12:10 pm
          Confused says:
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          Right, because we can track whom voted for who and we can bill them individually. That’s a great solution. “Hey – did you vote for this guy? Send us $100 please!”

          • May 3, 2017 at 5:45 pm
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            It would be voluntary. And those 63 million would send the money, pronto, without a need to send a bill to them.

            Search for Ted Cruz’s idea and tell everyone why it wouldn’t work or wouldn’t be accepted. Ready, steady, … GO!

        • May 3, 2017 at 12:35 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          Perhaps the 66M who voted Clinton should send in just $10/ea for the sledgehammer fund should this wall start to be built. Can purchase boatloads of sledgehammers with $660,000,000.

          • May 3, 2017 at 4:47 pm
            Agent says:
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            Sorry, sledgehammers are not needed to build the wall. Not very knowledgeable about construction, are you? Workers who know steel construction and brick masons are welcome. Concrete pours also come in handy when building a wall. Put in sensors underneath to detect tunnelers will also be good along with having drones circling overhead with infra red. Hey, we can go from 70% reduction in crossings to 95% in a few short years.

          • May 3, 2017 at 5:46 pm
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            They would all be arrested if they knowingly aided a criminal act of destruction of property. Thanks for the amusing thought that had no logic… or thought… behind it.

          • May 4, 2017 at 9:00 am
            Captain Planet says:
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            I’m talking about the demolition project! Hence, “…should this wall start to be built.”

            Thanks for trying out!

          • May 4, 2017 at 9:02 am
            Captain Planet says:
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            Hey, we’ll send those sledgehammers over to Mexico and they can take it down from their side. Last time I checked, nothing illegal about gifting someone a sledgehammer. No Americans arrested and problem solved.

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