At Labor’s Urging, House Bill to Speed Self-Driving Vehicles Exempts Trucks

By and | July 31, 2017

  • July 31, 2017 at 8:00 am
    Bear-amucci says:
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    Politicians doing something special for a special interest group? I’m shocked!

    • July 31, 2017 at 1:04 pm
      Counterpoint says:
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      I think it is a good idea for these kinds of jobs to be protected. The economy would be helped by the reduced cost of shipping and the roads would be made safer (after the technology is fully developed) but the government and municipalities all across America would take huge hits in employment and tax revenue.

      Having that many unemployed and untrained people out of work is never a good thing.

      • July 31, 2017 at 4:32 pm
        Bear-amucci says:
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        Yes, and I recall how typewriter repairmen losing their jobs after data processing equipment was developed by IBM, RCA, GE, and others almost destroyed the US economy. Oh, wait! It didn’t, and it was just another in the long line of changes in the economy due to changes in the way things are produced or services are provide as innovation improves human lives in numerous ways. Never mind.

        • August 9, 2017 at 9:38 am
          Sergey Koleda says:
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          Typewriter repairmen losing their jobs after data processing equipment was developed by IBM, RCA, GE.
          Yes, and now the truck drivers are going to become jobless, due to the self driven trucks development. As for me if we want to increase the industry performance it will be better to do it with the uber for trucks apps like uber freight or doft.

  • July 31, 2017 at 1:51 pm
    Bring Realistic says:
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    Let’s back the truck up here. Last I heard from this same group is they can’t attract and retain drivers. They are all hiring and complain about unfilled positions. When these opportunities present themselves capitalism prevails and solves the problem. Now the union is begging for intervention? Let free market handle this driver shortage problem. Why do we need protectionism? What do you think AI is going to do to professional jobs?

    The technology needs to run its course – no political intervention (aka special interest requests). Every day each of us, regardless of what we do, has to demonstrate value.

    • July 31, 2017 at 3:30 pm
      Doug Fisher says:
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      I am not opposed to that ideal, but I recognize that with so many (truck driving is number one job in the country, as far as I know) people out of work, there better be something for these people to do, otherwise they will definitely end up on unemployment first, and welfare later.

      I have insured hundreds of trucking accounts over the years and have seen many of their hiring apps which list “level of education” and many of them start in grade school. One had as low as 3rd Grade Truckers are, unfortunately by and large, not well suited to non-manual labor or remedial labor because they don’t have the educational or training background to do anything else.

      • July 31, 2017 at 5:53 pm
        Agent says:
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        Are you saying that the current 95 million sitting on the sideline will grow in the future? That is what seems to appeal to the Democrats, having people on welfare, uneducated and dependent on government. I like the apprenticeship program our President has proposed to teach people that are less educated how to get a responsible job working with their hands and being productive citizens, not welfare recipients.

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