Trump Actions Against Obamacare Could Mean Free Insurance for Many with Low Incomes

By and | November 1, 2017

  • November 1, 2017 at 10:32 am
    The Night of the Living ACA Death Spiral says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    Correct. This was previously called Medicaid. Of course, it is provided under ACA, so it’s terms are different from Medicaid. However, this ‘free cover’ really isn’t free, and it won’t last forever. The acceleration of the Death Spiral will end ACA, and force Congress to come to terms with the fact that ACA failed – by design – and didn’t achieve any of its objectives. Congressmen and Congresswomen who blocked the repeal & replace efforts in 2017 will re-think their position relative to the Will of The People in regard to HI options, and their desire to be re-elected will persuade them to follow the Will of The People who have rejected Socialized Healthcare and Socialized Health Insurance in the US.

    Despite the lies to soon be told by Democrat Congressmen and Congresswomen, LOW/ NO INCOME US citizens will continue to receive health care under Medicaid, under its revised, improved rules going forward.

    • November 1, 2017 at 2:08 pm
      Agent says:
      Hot debate. What do you think?
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      Night, you speak the truth and keep on doing it although the same cast of naysayer liberals downvote you just like they do every time you post.

      • November 1, 2017 at 6:35 pm
        The Night of the Living ACA Death Spiral says:
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        I consider downvotes by liberals to be a gauge of reasonableness of the post – in an imperfect inverse relationship.

        (Did you get the reference of my temporary screen name for Oct 31-Nov 1?)

  • November 1, 2017 at 1:38 pm
    Jack Kanauph says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    Just another screwing of the people by President TRUMP. Oh, wait…

    • November 1, 2017 at 6:36 pm
      The Night of the Living ACA Death Spiral says:
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      Which people? Not everyone is adversely impacted by ACA. Oh, wait!

  • November 1, 2017 at 3:39 pm
    Its true says:
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    Its true. My tax credit went way up this year, I guess due to the increase in ACA rates. I can get a bronze family plan for under $2 per month..Thanks President Trump

    • November 2, 2017 at 11:48 am
      Doug Fisher says:
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      I presume this is some sort of joke post?

  • November 1, 2017 at 3:59 pm
    FFA says:
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    My Subsidized premium went from $544 @ month up to $1288 @ month. My OOP increased and my # of therapy visits went from 60 down to 20. Just a modest 100%+ rate hike with an increase of OOPs & Decrease in benefits.

    Unsubsidized went from $1307 to $2051.I guess this meets the definition of Affordable.

    This whole system just needs to go unless I can get one of the freebies and then just eat the massive OOP which I am eating already. Its Bushs’ fault I’m guessing.

    • November 1, 2017 at 4:28 pm
      Carol says:
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      My deepest sympathy. The ACA was never purported to be perfect, but it is fixable without these dramatic affects on PEOPLE… Many of my customers feel like they are not only being punished, but the few carriers with the limited number of plans available at ridiculous prices make them feel trapped – whereas they have been pleased to have choices for the last few years. There’s an ever-growing fear that pre-existing conditions are going to once again be excluded or cost beyond middle-class people’s ability to pay. Thanks Prez and Republicans for creating chaos rather than work out a compromise.

      • November 2, 2017 at 1:45 pm
        The Night of the Living ACA Death Spiral says:
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        @Carol; actually, it was the architects of ACA that created chaos out of functioning both the health care and health insurance industries. Actually, Obama said premiums would decrease by $2500, and everyone would enjoy Nirvana because you could keep your doctor and your plan, and, well, all of those remarks were bald-faced lies.

        The punishment of US citizens isn’t restricted to the higher costs and lesser coverage, it includes loss of 11 hours of work each week to bypass the 30 hour rule that exempts employers from being required to provide HI to its employees.

        Where is this {hyperbole} ever-growing fear {/hyperbole} that prexers won’t be covered in the future ? I saw people on the street this past year, and none had a worried look on their face.

      • November 2, 2017 at 5:50 pm
        bob says:
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        No it isn’t fixable, because of how it operates and the fact that it has far too many regulations. It may help some on the spectrum, but this is due mostly to subsidies and premium assistance credits which can exist without the huge over regulatory nature of the law.

        If it came to this or single payer, I would choose single payer, and I’m very much so against that.

        The ACA takes the free market and destroys it. It cannot be fixed without removing hundreds of regulations.

        • November 10, 2017 at 12:48 pm
          Agent says:
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          Correct, Bob. Literally thousands of regulations have been piled on to the original impossible to understand 2,700 page law and it was done intentionally by Progressive Democrats to make the law unfixable. Needs to be put in the shredder and start all over again with something that makes sense.

      • November 3, 2017 at 2:36 pm
        FFA says:
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        Yea, its Trumps’ fault OBama stuck his nose into Health Insurance, Creating a layer of Govt Employees between the consumer and carrier, cranking up Deds & invents the never ending Co Pay, changing the definition of Max Out of Pocket, sticking everyone with a poorly designed web site to deal with. Its Trumps fault OBama is forcing Joe consumer to deal with every one / any one that answers an 800 number in who knows what country after a substantial time on hold just to get cut off/hung up on instead of dealing with Licensed, Professional, Trained and insured agents sitting on Main St USA. Not to mention the never ending flow of paper. Yes, its all Trumps fault.

    • November 1, 2017 at 4:55 pm
      the downvoter says:
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      Thank you for sharing your personal experience with the ACA, it has been truly eye-opening. It’s always best to hear firsthand stories than just taking others’ word for it. I truly wish you the best.

      • November 3, 2017 at 2:38 pm
        FFA says:
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        All my clients are getting cancelation notices. So much for “Keep You Policy”. If you decided to stay away from marketing / working this mess, you made a wise decision.

        • November 8, 2017 at 2:33 pm
          Agent says:
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          FFA, I did stop trying to work with the mess 5 years ago and concentrated my time in the P&C sector. I haven’t regretted it for a minute.

    • November 2, 2017 at 7:22 am
      The Night of the Living ACA Death Spiral says:
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      @FFA: according to Nancy Pelosi, if you quit your job to be freed from those duties, so you can spend your time doing things that artists and writer do, you can count on the government to provide freebie health insurance. (Well, maybe not now.)

      OK, that isn’t EXACTLY what Pelosi said, it’s paraphrased. And it may not accurately reflect the people in occupations Pelosi was appealing to and appeasing. But it is accurately representative of her intention to get people government sponsored freebies, to coerce them to vote for Dems going forward, for freeing them from the requirement to work for a living.

      Despite the clarification above, I expect a Libitteral to construct & post a Straw Man Argument based on mis-representing my words.

      • November 2, 2017 at 11:50 am
        Doug Fisher says:
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        You already made your own strawman argument. What would a strawman argument against a strawman argument look like, anyway?

        Probably a rabbit hole, I presume?

        • November 3, 2017 at 7:50 am
          The Night of the Living ACA Death Spiral says:
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          No, I didn’t make a Straw Man argument. Troll.

      • November 8, 2017 at 2:36 pm
        Agent says:
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        Night, I wonder what happened to Hot Chocolate boy who was sitting on mom’s couch applying for coverage. I think he probably has still failed to launch and he may have surpassed the 26 year old window.

    • November 9, 2017 at 5:58 pm
      agent says:
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      FFA, are you pining for one of those $2 a month Obamacare policies now available. No wonder Open Enrollment is picking up now. I wonder who is really paying the freight.

  • November 1, 2017 at 4:37 pm
    JoeHarrington says:
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    I shopped for my 2018 care today on It’s not cheap but, understanding what to expect, I wasn’t stunned. There are other ways I’d prefer to get my health coverage, but I’m grateful that the “Obamacare” market is there.

    Regarding “the Will of The People who have rejected Socialized Healthcare and Socialized Health Insurance in the US,” the Affordable Care Act’s approval ratings have been dragged down (until recently) by opposition from people age 65 and over. Most of them have Medicare, and don’t want to lose it, so whatever their objections to Obamacare, it’s not opposition to “socialized health insurance.”

    In the latest Kaiser tracking poll (Oct 2017) the ACA is approved by 50-57% of respondents in other age groups, those directly affected by the ACA. That’s hardly a soaring mandate, but consider that at least a fraction of those expressing disapproval want single-payer coverage. The ACA relies on private insurers, and I’m happy it is in place to provide me coverage when I need it.

    • November 2, 2017 at 9:04 am
      Captain Planet says:
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      Shhh, you’re being too logical and reasonable. Sean Hannity and El Rushbo say you’re supposed to hate what the black guy did. All of it, not just the healthcare plan the conservative Heritage Foundation came up with years ago. See, they were for it before they were against it. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact a Democratic, dark-skinned, Muslimy-sounding named President put it into place.

      • November 3, 2017 at 7:51 am
        The Night of the Living ACA Death Spiral says:
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        Nope; SH & RL never said those things. Straw Man Argument. Troll.

    • November 2, 2017 at 1:52 pm
      The Night of the Living ACA Death Spiral says:
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      Actually, if anyone knew of the replacement plan details, they’d reject Medicare in it’s stead. The problem is US citizens have gotten used to the inferior product ‘Medicare’ because it’s forced upon them via mandatory tax deductions, and it’s very inexpensive to many retirees as regards non-covered / co-participation. So, the mere suggestion that The Will of The People is favorable to Medicare is a joke because you don’t have a survey that proves your claim. In fact, there is so much red tape and waste and wasted time in regard to Medicare that your claim becomes laughable after a moment’s thought.

      • November 8, 2017 at 5:31 pm
        Agent says:
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        Night, Medicare has to be “Supplemented” by a private policy covering what Medicare doesn’t cover and a separate drug plan by a private company. That is the only way to cover the gaps in the Medicare policy.

        • February 4, 2018 at 7:34 pm
          maryann edwards says:
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          No, we need to return to the law of health care providers being non-profit. Take a look on the stock market to see how much the healthcare companies are worth today. Back in the day of decent non-profit insurance before Republicans started feeding the citizens its kool aid we had very affordable healthcare. Big non-profits could negotiate prices with providers and they did not have to make profits for investors. And, if you notice, some of the huge price increases coincided with the availability of credit cards to the general population. It was easy to charge more for dental, prescription and vision because they could get people to pay with their credit card. That meant that people were paying more for the service AND paying interest on the money they paid for the service. Such a deal for Wall Street. Low income people DON’T OWN STOCKS! The AMERICAN PUBLIC HAS BEEN SCREWED OVER BY REPUBLICANS FOR YEARS AND YEARS TO MAKE WALL STREET RICHER AND MIDDLE CLASS AMERICANS SCREWED WITH LIE AFTER LIE THAT THEY WANT TO HELP YOU.

    • November 2, 2017 at 1:53 pm
      The Night of the Living ACA Death Spiral says:
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      PS the Kaiser tracking poll is a pile of $&%* that is biased i n selection of participants.

    • November 6, 2017 at 7:55 am
      The Night of the Living ACA Death Spiral says:
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      @Joel Harrington: What is the breakdown of those 50-57% by categorization of payment into ‘Free coverage”, “subsidized coverage”, and “have to pay up the wazoo and now can’t afford discretionary purchases and some food”?

      Further, why did you post 50-57% instead of a single favorability pctg for the ‘remainder excluding 65+ eligible for Medicare’?

      Finally; if people eligible for Medicare ‘accept’ Socialized medicine, it’s because they’ve been FORCED to do so and are receiving their promised benefits. THEY DO NOT PREFER Medicare to private insurance. I can find numerous studies / polls to support that, so your claim is disingenuous and seems to be intended to mislead.

      • February 4, 2018 at 7:13 pm
        maryann edwards says:
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        I would like to know what insurance company would charge less than Medicare charges for 80% of the allowed bill that providers charge because decent coverage for the other 20% by any providers that are listed as registered to provide that coverage wants more than Medicare charges for those over 65 pays for the 80% of the allowed bill.

        I pay medicare $104.09 per month for Medicare’s 80% percent of the allowed charges. The best I can do on the market to cover the other 20% which still makes me pay $20.00 for an office visit and wants me to pay around $137.00 per month for that other 20% sure does not add up to a better deal to me. So, is private insurance going to give me full coverage for all medical bills for less that $104.09 per month How much are you saying I am going to pay.

        Just to say I will pay less is saying NOTHING. Give me some numbers before you post BS.

        Health insurance companies used to be non-profit Our Legislators in their “infinite” wisdom voted to end the requirement that health insurance must be non-profit opening the health insurance market to FOR PROFIT COMPANIES and totally screwing the needs of the insured.

        At 75 years old, I remember what we paid for health insurance and even given the rise in prices we were fully covered with prescription and dental for a reasonable price that we could afford. BY THE TIME I PAY EXTRA FOR PRESCRIPTION AND DENTAL I AM WAY OVER MY ABILITY TO HAVE INSURANCE AS A RETIREE LIVING ON MY SOCIAL SECURITY OR SELLING MY HOUSE TO PAY MEDICAL BILLS. I CAN GET A PAYMENT PLAN WITH NO INTEREST FROM HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS WHERE I LIVE BECAUSE OF THEIR AGREEMENT WITH A BANK PROBABLY TO TAKE LESS MONEY FROM THE BANK TO TAKE OVER THE DEBT I OWE TO THE PROVIDER. So, I am still paying off a $4000.00 bill from a 5 day hospital stay two years ago. I had no coverage at that time to cover the 20% left over from what Medicare pays.

        It looks to me like the coverage I was paying of $137.00 for the coverage that I had to pay $20.00 for an office visit for was from insurance company who had contract with providers that allowed them to pay nothing towards the cost of the 20% that Medicare did not pay. When I got my read out of what Medicare paid for an office visit it was Medicare’s negotiated price for that office visit. My supplemented insurance paid NOTHING and I paid $20.00. Sweet deal for the insurance company that was getting my $137.00 per month. And, now I switched to catastrophic coverage for $69.00 so my health care provider is charging me $123.00 for an office visit and bills Medicare for Medicare’s their portion that they will pay. So there is $103.00 that supplement insurance DOES NOT PAY anything. They must have contract to get away with that. If I go to the doctor 3 times a year. I pay $137.00 a month, $20.00 a visit and insurance company pays nothing. I want to know what their contract with the provider says they pay per patient per year and how much money they take in for Plan N.


  • November 2, 2017 at 10:45 am
    Wanda Benton says:
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    It is time for our annual enrollment — The company I am employed with has a plan employees don’t pay a monthly premium it’s free with a $6,000 deductible.


    If the current administration wants to end the ACA they need to start with the insurance companies and ask why all the rate hikes?

    The ACA should have included caps on rate hikes or didn’t allow rate hikes without comprehensive studies submitted by the insurance company requesting the hike. Twelve months for the yay or nay… based on the studying being verified by an independent no partisan committee.

    Insurance companies have to show proof of significant losses, catastrophic losses since joining the market & enrollment in the ACA –

    1. Number of enrolled
    2. Individual and families — age groups – number in family units- were there pre-existing conditions? If yes, list the conditions – high blood pressure, cancer, mental, ETC
    3. Income from lowest to highest
    4. Number of enrolled by plans
    5. Claims submitted by each group under each plan
    6. Amount of government subsidies paid per enrolled per plan
    7. Hospital claims – emergency room visits, surgeries, births, out patient procedures etc… for each group and plan
    8. Referrals, did the referral lead to a diagnosis [cancer, kidney or liver failure, recommended surgery,] ETC….
    Insurance companies are for profit companies that took complete advantage of the SUPPLY & DEMAND OF THE EXPLOSIVE HEALTH CARE ISSUES KNOWING HIGHER COST LEADS TO HIGHER SUBSIDIES.

    • November 2, 2017 at 11:53 am
      Doug Fisher says:
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      Well that escalated quickly.

    • November 2, 2017 at 1:59 pm
      The Night of the Living ACA Death Spiral says:
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      I stopped reading at ‘should cap all rate hikes’. Communist!

      I’m not sure why you believe insurance cos. are NOT subject to disclosures you suggest. Perhaps you should read some state rate filing hearings trnscripts?

    • November 3, 2017 at 2:41 pm
      FFA says:
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      Wanda, Are you on a Self Funded Plan?

    • November 3, 2017 at 2:45 pm
      FFA says:
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      The biggest problem with the ACA is that it did not address the underlying factors that were driving the cost up.

      Now, we are at Pre ACA Premium Levels Subsidized, have an inferior policy with higher deds, copays, oops. In all the plans I seen from the current administration, they were not addressing the underlying factors either.

      His first move should be to shut down the market place and that web site and let people deal with agents in their home town that can deal directly with the carriers. Nothing was wrong with the infrastructure between agent and carrier – at least not the problems that exist today with the market place.

      • November 6, 2017 at 8:00 am
        The Night of the Living ACA Death Spiral says:
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        Hooray, FFA! You hit upon the major point that Dems want to hide / censor from conversations after their intention to sabotage private insurance and force Single Slayer, er, Single Delayer, er, Single Payer upon The People through specific design of ACA to fail.

        Some of the elements of ‘HEALTH CARE SPPECIFICCS’ address costs; e.g. last two letters, CS = Cost Savings.

        • November 8, 2017 at 5:34 pm
          Agent says:
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          Well, the answer may be all the private care clinics that are springing up all over the country which charges minimal monthly fees like $50 per person per month for primary care and wellness visits. Catastrophic plans with high deductibles can be used for serious surgeries/accidents.

  • February 4, 2018 at 8:16 pm
    maryann edwards says:
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    Something else that could be done is to give all workers stock in their company based on their income and years employed so the employees can build a stock portfolio along with rich people.

    Another solution is for all workers to unionize and demand better wages or the company shuts down. AMERICANS DID THIS ONCE AND HAD A GREAT MIDDLE CLASS BUILT UNTIL REPUBLICANS STARTED LYING TO PEOPLE AND SPENT LAST 50 YEARS BREAKING THE UNIONS. Companies will fold if the pressure is hard enough and stock market starts to collapse rich people will SCREAM.

    Then people will have better wages and a better life than they can get now with stupid tax cut that expires while tax cuts for the wealthy go on forever. Trump knows how to increase his millions forever. He wants to be the American Putin. And, all of you people out there better pay attention or we will lose our Democracy to a Nazi Dictator.

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