Opioid Overdoses Behind Drop in Life Expectancy for Americans

December 29, 2017

  • December 30, 2017 at 11:45 am
    DNCs Coll(F)usion GPShip Strzok an IceberGowdy says:
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    Meanwhile, those who read sources other than the Liberal Mainstream Media are now learning the details of the Obama Administration’s SUPPRESSION / THROTTLING of the US DEA and cooperating international drug law enforcement agencies’ investigation into TERRORIST group Hezbollah’s drug smugglers. That was done to enable the US State Dept. under John Kerry to complete the ILLEGAL IRANUKE BADDEAL.


    • December 30, 2017 at 11:50 am
      DNCs Coll(F)usion GPShip Strzok an IceberGowdy says:
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      The blood of those who died as a result of an increased number of illegal drugs, e.g. opioid ODs, due to the above mentioned THROTTLING on investigations, is on the hands of The Obama Administration.

      Will the Liberal Mainstream Media count the deaths of those who died as a result of Obama’s THROTTLING of the DEA investigation into Hezbollah, to enable the ILLEGAL IRANUKE BADDEAL to be realized, similar to their running totals of US mil personnel deaths in Iraq when GWB was POTUS? I’ll give you one guess.

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