Yahoo to Face Lawsuit Over Breach of 3 Billion Users’ Data

By | March 13, 2018

  • March 13, 2018 at 10:34 am
    DNCs Coll(F)usion GPShip Strzok an IceberGowdy says:
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    Here’s one of the most troubling points in the article; Yahooligans tripled their earlier estimate to 3 billion users breached.

    Why was Yahooligans so far off in their initial estimate? Does that speak to their inability to properly secure their clients / subscribers data, …. or was it ‘intentional concealment’ until Verizon started due diligence talks to buy Yahooligans?

  • March 13, 2018 at 4:49 pm
    Agent says:
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    Yahooligans is the correct description. Perhaps their estimate was hacked into showing incorrect numbers. Don’t trust the numbers anyway.

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