Southwest Sends $5K to Each Passenger on Engine Failure Flight

By | April 22, 2018

  • April 23, 2018 at 5:19 pm
    Mrbob says:
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    Although this gesture is certainly a step in the right direction, one would think that for those passengers most closely located to the incident SWA will need to pony up significantly more to get past this one.

  • April 23, 2018 at 5:33 pm
    Mike says:
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    I wonder if the checks came with release language in a letter or the back of the check at the endorsement line. If so, at least SW will know which ones are happy with the $5K and perhaps those who don’t cash it will be the ones that may sue.

  • April 23, 2018 at 5:50 pm
    Agency says:
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    I am sure the 5k comes with conditions “full & final settlement.” Southwest has had a spotless record, people landed safely. This shouldn’t be an income making opportunity, the only ones who deserve more is of course the family of the deceased woman, those who have help bring her full body back into the plane and perhaps a select few closest to the incident. We need to stop making every incident an income making opportunity and a lifetime welfare payout.

  • April 23, 2018 at 6:21 pm
    reality bites says:
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    “Here, kid, take this check and don’t bother me again”.

    Makes the Porny Daniels deal seem lucrative.

  • April 24, 2018 at 8:14 pm
    reflecting says:
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    I would take the 5k and tithe 10% to my Maker or favorite charity; thanks for giving me a second chance!

    Her family won’t need it as the lawyers and accountants at SW will take good care of them, for sure.

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