Gender, Seniority Key Factors in Workplace Harassment: Hiscox Survey

September 5, 2018

  • September 6, 2018 at 7:21 am
    PolarBeaRepeal says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    Ironically, the Liberal News Media, which has an obligation to report things to the public, has been concealing harassment initiated by it’s own; e.g. NBC News (e.g. Matt Lauer), ABC News, CBS News (e.g. Charlie Rose), etc.

    This type of irony/ hypocrisy also applies to a much greater degree to Hollyweird, although it has no similar obligation as it is not a news /journalism organization. In a Hollyweird two-fer, one accuser is also an accused (Asiago Cheese Argento (sp?) #MeTwo (sic)).

    • September 6, 2018 at 8:58 am
      retired risk manager says:
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      I see that two people dislike the comment. How can anyone disagree with the truth of the comment?

      • September 6, 2018 at 11:16 am
        Dust says:
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        My issue with it is that this shouldn’t be a left vs right instance – the article was pretty straightforward and reported objective results regardless of political leanings. What we should be focusing on is improving the culture and practices at work places so that people don’t get harassed and feel comfortable reporting it. Bringing politics into it does nothing to improve the industry and it’s irrelevant.

        • September 6, 2018 at 3:04 pm
          Yes says:
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          well they are the people that are actively working against you and others in the effort to improve culture and practices in the work place.

          • September 6, 2018 at 7:55 pm
            craig cornell says:
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            The people who are actually working against “you and others” in the effort to improve culture are the same people who pretended to care and did nothing: overwhelmingly, the “Me Too” movement is outing liberals.

            Prominent liberals were protected by all the other lefties. And the hypocrisy is very damaging.

            Right now, NBC News (“news”) is covering for having been caught read-handed protecting Harvey Weinstein knowingly. Instead of fessing up and pledging to do better, NBC News is doubling down on denying their collusion (fun word!) in allowing Harvey to continue to prey on women.

            And the outrage from the left about all this at NBC News? Crickets.

            These are the people working against “you and others”. They are called liberals.

          • September 10, 2018 at 8:16 am
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            @Yes-man: got any [useful] comments on much less Les Moonves at CBS? He, and others like him, are working against the rights of women, such as many I know, to earn a living, free from harassment. Do you argue for ‘freedom from harassment by the police or ICE’ and then ignore the harassment workers, especially women and whistle-blowers, are subjected to on an ongoing basis.

          • September 10, 2018 at 8:18 am
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            I omitted ‘that’ between ‘harassment’ and ‘workers’ in the last sentence above. Bear culpa.

        • September 6, 2018 at 4:43 pm
          PolarBeaRepeal says:
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          Improving the culture that has been concealing the harassment for decades? That describes Hollyweird and the Liberal media much more than any other ‘culture’. The media has an obligation to report it truthfully. How do we trust them after their ongoing concealment, including refusal to report on Bill Clinton, etc., but no withholding on reporting on such harassment by those on the other side of the political aisle?

          Is the truth so uncomfortable for you that you want to censor my comments?

        • September 7, 2018 at 1:33 pm
          bob says:
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          This is entirely a political post, and several aspects are missing which make it sexist as all heck.

          What percent of the men said they felt harassed? They just left that out, and it’s irresponsible reporting. I’m not apt to believe something that asks how women feel to find out if the are oppressed, especially due to this number:

          The men don’t even get to the first bar in any age category in the “a bit unsafe” category, despite experiencing far more crime walking in the night.

          There are other studies on this. Women also tend to favor what is called avoidance behavior, men tend to lean into either not caring and having poor risk assessment abilities (ergo a larger amount of men tend to take unnecessary risks like gambling or other things that are unstable) or some take Risk-Management Behavior, and this isn’t just on assault. What the data really suggests is women cannot be trusted when asked how they feel about a scenario involving feeling safe, oppressed, or not oppressed. They are naturally more inclined to be averse to risk taking.

          And I might add the issue here I take most with this is they “felt” it wasn’t handled properly? I’ve watched IGN fire someone who did the smallest form of what they called sexual harassment (and it wasn’t, some of it was standing too close to the girl, and asking her out more than once, and he was not in a position of power) I’ve watched women in these fields destroy men who went that little into the category, whereas my coworker women wooted and asked me to take off my shirt, and I was just really pressured so I did it. I don’t think anyone should have been fired for juvenile behavior. This is simply not the case for the social justice feminist crowd. They go for blood, and we don’t need to go any further in that direction just because a survey says women feel harassed and women feel it wasn’t handled properly. Are we really going to risk that with women? Are we really going to go with the they need to “feel comfortable reporting it?” thing? Women aren’t made to feel uncomfortable reporting anything. You really mean you want to encourage people to report things that really are not harassment. The system is fine. People occasionally are not fine and are jerks, and most the time people are fired even from senior positions, or I should say especially from senior positions with little to no evidence.

          This was made political the moment they left out men. And it is a left vs right thing. I’m just going to guess here, you voted Hillary? And it has to do with your personality, which has to do with why you are saying what you said on this issue. It improves the industry to acknowledge trends we have which lean into our politics, and vice versa. Don’t act like your politics don’t affect your opinion on this one. It clearly does, and it would for me too.

          • September 12, 2018 at 2:19 pm
            bob says:
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            Typical liberals, knee jerk reaction and hide common sense.

            If we want to talk about men in positions of power, that’s a conversation men should listen to, apparently, with open ears. Yes, us men apparently tend to be tyrannical and abuse our positions of power. We cause fights and wars (all things I’ve heard discussed, some even recently stated by Obama)

            If we want to talk about women tending to believe they are in more danger or being more oppressed than they are, well, that’s just something we have to dislike in droves.

            It doesn’t make you a good person down liking my post, SJW’s.

        • September 7, 2018 at 1:45 pm
          bob says:
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          And before I get some guff for that post, being averse to taking risks on the average is not a bad thing, but it certainly would affect these results.

          For example, I mentioned how it shows very negatively in men in that post, so if any of you SJW’s have issue with that you need to knock it off.

          Being a flagrant risk taker is not always a good thing, or ignoring that a risk exists, because then you don’t engage in risk assessment.

          This is why women tend to be better with stable finances, in studies.

          But with a survey like this, this would definitely have flaws considering that same trait with women.

      • September 6, 2018 at 4:45 pm
        PolarBeaRepeal says:
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        The truth is uncomfortable to those who criticized others for things their kind has been doing all along, and has now just been taken down for it. So, they down vote and run instead of discuss the problem they wouldn’t confront in the past.

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