Insurance, Banking Groups Balk at Limits on Flood Insurance Operations During Shutdown

By | December 27, 2018

  • December 27, 2018 at 1:08 pm
    Jack says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    There are plenty of private flood policy companies out there….move on, nothing to see here.

    • January 8, 2019 at 1:21 pm
      kc says:
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      I don’t know for sure but I don’t think private flood insurance has the same requirements as FEMA. I think we need to make sure private flood insurance is financially sound if we are adding them into the mix. And not co mingling their assets with other products they sell, flood should be separate and financially sound.

      • January 9, 2019 at 2:28 pm
        Mark says:
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        The most competitive private flood carriers are backed by Lloyd’s of London and have no problem paying claims. We see them pay in around 3 weeks as apposed to months or years with the NFIP

  • December 27, 2018 at 1:33 pm
    Realist says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    Anything to hurt Trump

  • December 28, 2018 at 7:51 am
    Not alone says:
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    Anything to hurt Trump?? I really can not believe that was said. Look at how Trump has hurt so many. Please leave that guy out of any logical discussion.

  • December 28, 2018 at 7:54 am
    Rowena Cleghorn-Nieroda says:
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    I can not believe that someone posted that this was anything to hurt Trump. Really??? How about how much has hurt so many? Please leave that guy’s name out of any logical discussion.

  • December 28, 2018 at 12:29 pm
    chiponthecape says:
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    Who is the a-hole bureaucrat who is running the agency anyway? Fire that overpaid slug!

  • December 31, 2018 at 1:57 pm
    American says:
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    There has been shut downs every year or two as long as I can remember and it always was resolved and no one at FEMA left their positions, they all kept on working helping many.

    Because govt employees know they will be paid regardless.
    Who’s in charge and why is this such a mess internally when other years the same thing happened and this did not occur? it is political, its driven from the socialist left and insiders who keep making up dossiers and who keep purging criminal activity on emails, texts etc.

    Also Trump signed a extension just like past presidents have done. He signed it thru 3-2019 so this should be a non issue. But then again, congress took time off to vacation, blame it on them. The president is still working.

    this is a dog and pony show by the socialist left to create a nightmare to make a point. Pelosi probably planned it from Hawaii with Obama and Clintonistas.

    • December 31, 2018 at 2:56 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Watch Hannity much? You a Rush 24/7 subscriber?

    • January 2, 2019 at 3:28 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      “There has been shut downs every year or two as long as I can remember….”

      You must have a VERY selective memory.

      3 in 2018
      0 from 2014 through 2017
      1 in 2013
      0 from 1997 and 2012
      1 in 1996 (began in 1995)
      1 in 1995 (began and ended in 1995)

      …and then we’ve got to go back to 1990 for the next federal government shutdown.

      Your memory is lying to you

      http s://

      • January 8, 2019 at 1:23 pm
        kc says:
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        the media wont report on dozens of other prior shut downs, because that would ruin their agenda.

  • January 8, 2019 at 1:20 pm
    KC says:
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    lets do the math, according to numbers in this article or by fema

    if you have average flood policy costing $707 a year, x 1.8 million in policies in force, divide by 2 (half goes to expenses of running organization, adjusters etc.),
    your left with 636,000,000 and stated there is 33,000 in claims, that’s for this last year, so that leaves about $19,281 left for claims payment per claim and to date the claims paid is about $35 k per claim. (not all are $35 k but probably pretty close according to internet)
    so we have $19 k to pay consumers and need about $35 k.

    so it appears we are grossly short, but my question is
    1) where is the premium from low claim years? you cant have heavy storms every year
    2) ask employees how to stream line costs
    3) we have a cash flow issue that needs immediate attention
    4) can fema be more automated, forms to consumers to fill in, and offered online to those that wish to do so, to reduce staffing expenses? coordinate with building manufacturers to get a discount on everything from permits to rebuild (maybe states can waive this if its a flood loss), and discounts for materials needed from dry wall to wood, since its bought in bulk, could there be a 10% disct if its a flood loss? you see there should be a way to reduce some of the building costs and a way to trim processing.
    5) you have to address every aspect to make sure you have the funds available for consumers in the time of a flood.
    6) you need to make sure in the lean years you maybe invest in govt bonds to provide some interest earned to help in the heavy claim years and so forth.
    7) can we consolidate office buildings with unused office buildings used by other govt agencies? can we sell govt office buildings not being used? can we consolidate staffing with other govt agencies who can cross help in crisis? cross trained for emergency times of the year? I am sure office buildings can be addressed. Are we paying too much in computer programming- can we use other govt agencies to share computer programmers and service programing?

    this can be fixed, but so far the math provided it appears we are short quite a bit, so we need to work on the math, not always charging more to consumers for flood insurance.

    One other item is to have a fast track program that consumers can buy direct if in a low risk flood zone- the app can be done online and if in a low risk zone you can fill in form yourself and pay direct, no need for middle man, agents (even though I am a agent) this would bring more people in the system with low flood risks and bring in more revenue for the “what if situation”. Right now I find the flood program horribly confusing and even the best of agents have a hard time understanding all the hoops. This should be streamlined for low risk zones in a 2 page application direct submission online. Also consumers should be able to pay online with credit card, at anytime and get a declaration page online without having to ask for one. this should be able to be automated.

    we also need to work with local building and builders, and permits and states to help the consumer.

    we also could do more automation, to streamline FEMA expenses.
    More online processing but still have staff available to help for assistance.

    Run it like a business and look at every aspect from even the cost of the rent for FEMA, could that be reduced, etc. look at it all. This is fixable, but start with expenses, now.

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