In Reversal, Flood Insurance Program Resumes Normal Operations During Shutdown

December 28, 2018

  • December 29, 2018 at 4:59 pm
    erroll w booth says:
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    i am going through a total loss settlement through my insurance agency; when insurance company asked for letter of guarantee from santander they didn’t provide it at the requested time and after 2wks it was provided and payment was issued. i asked santander why they gave my insurance a higher payoff quote then what i looked at online and requested one. santander gave insurance company a quote of 9920; my requested amount was 9844.21, when i spoke to several different csa’s and managers i kept getting the same line of bullshit over and over and over with no help and no answers to my questions or concerns that someone from santander didn’t do their job and has screwed me over. so now i have to wait on a gap insurance to take place while my acct is acquiring daily interests and no hold has been put on this since the date of my accident. this is the worst experience ever and horrible service. communication sucked understandably verbally and technically through telecommunication during the conversations. i need legal help asap. this isn’t right and i am being fucked over financially by this company.

  • December 30, 2018 at 7:20 am
    PolarBeaRepeal says:
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    “will resume the normal sale of policies and renewal of expiring policies…”

    Translation: spending taxpayer dollars to subsidize risks in flood plains which repeatedly flood, so as to support their poor / questionable choice at the expense of all taxpayers (because Big Government is better than allowing The People to choose their course of action).”

    Einstein (paraphrased): “Insanity is defined as repeating an action which failed in the past, hoping for a different outcome.”

    • December 30, 2018 at 1:39 pm
      retired risk manager says:
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      Polar is correct again. There should be a one claim limit under this program. Buy a policy, have a claim, better look for a property not subject to flooding. Buying another policy would not be allowed. It is not my job to subsidize stupidity.

      • December 31, 2018 at 2:10 pm
        american says:
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        I think there are new laws in place that if there is a flood, you have to have home up on pillars. New building codes. He may have been under the old rules, and I have heard that may have changed recently.

        Also there is a deductible for building and one for contents if you chose to buy contents
        Also many maps are being revised and fine tuned, some are showing worse risk and some less risks, people are seeing letters in the last month, also they are provided a map showing the risk zones and their location of their home.

        I don’t work for flood, but I am an insurance agent and I have just started to see these changes. These are long overdue changes, and finally we are seeing something done.

        I heard Obama was giving flood housing reimbursement coverage to those that did not even own a home. So that really caused a financial mess with FEMA, I was told this by many, but did not see it myself.

        also some states were provided Fema funds to build barriers to help prevent massive flooding and to enhance areas and Louisiana’s governor used the funds for something else, I think he used it for more gambling for the area. The media hid this from many.

        Private Flood has been offered by many companies to help alleviate Femas Flood issues. This is fairly new and should show some results im guessing in 2-3 yrs., after premiums collected.

        Make sure you know the facts. Many our hid from us to steer the narrative.

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