How Pricing Insurance for Cars of Future Could Bring Insurers, Carmakers Together

By Paul Tullis | February 19, 2019

  • February 19, 2019 at 2:07 pm
    Mark Ambrose says:
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    I would recommend against them merging an insurance company and an automaker, their goals are at odds with each other.

  • February 19, 2019 at 2:58 pm
    Agent says:
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    This is all pie in the sky. Come back and see us in 2035.

  • February 26, 2019 at 6:44 pm
    SacFlood says:
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    You will still need Liability Insurance for when a driver takes over for the automated system and is deemed at fault in an accident. You will still need Uninsured Motorist for uninured non-autonomous vehicles hitting autonomous vehicles, or for drivers in uninsured autonomous vehicles who have overridden the automated system hitting other drivers and being deemed as at fault in an accident. You will still need Medical Payments Coverage for passengers in your own vehicle, including yourself, whether anyone is driving the vehicle or not, as it covers you and everyone in your vehicle no matter who is deemed as being at fault in an accident; it also covers slips and falls in, on, or around your own vehicle (it will cover you if you slip & fall on some oil in your own garage for example)
    Comprehensive coverage will still be needed, for V&MM (vandalism & malicious mischief) and F&T (fire & theft) and animals, and falling objects, and weather, and falling objects, and acts of God (or Mother Nature) and glass breakage. Collision coverage will still be needed, for hit-and-run accidents even if your vehicle is parked and unoccupied, or if you cause damage to your own vehicle, or if you want to have the option of repairing your vehicle by paying your own Collision deductible, even if the accident was not your fault. Towing & Road Service, Rental Reimbursement coverage, and other coverage sections, including AD&D (accidental death & dismemberment) will still all be needed, as well. No types of coverage will no longer be needed. They will all still be needed. The two main differences may be who is deemed to be at fault, and how they are priced, but they aren’t going away. With technology disruptions, they may be needed more than ever with the advent of autonomous vehicles. The better solution is to have heavier penalties for those who engage in distracted driving, more license renewal requirements, more vehicle maintenance requirements, more public transportation to alleviate crowded roadways, & other similar, common sense ways to regulate the driving we already do in your own, non-autonomous vehicles. Make complete stops. Always. Use your turn signal. Always. Put on your headlights. Always. Don’t speed unnecessarily. Keep a safe distance. Basics.

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