Michael Jackson Estate $100M Lawsuit Alleges ‘Character Assassination’ by HBO

By | February 22, 2019

  • February 22, 2019 at 1:37 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    Michael Jackson’s Estate should be suing Michael Jackson for assassinating his own character by being a drug-using pedophile who got off easy. (But, it’s HBO’s fault.)

    • February 22, 2019 at 1:49 pm
      Perplexed says:
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    • February 22, 2019 at 3:16 pm
      Libertarian Agent says:
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      Let me get this straight……Kavanaugh and Thomas’ accusers had no proof……so they should be sued for Libel. But Jackson’s accusers (also with no proof he was a child molester) should be sued for Libel. Makes sense. (insert sarcasm)

      • February 22, 2019 at 4:19 pm
        Rosenblatt says:
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        Methinks you did not read the article before posting. Here, let me help you understand why the two situations are different:

        “HBO … violated a non-disparagement clause that was part of an exclusive deal to air Jackson’s first-ever televised concert performance in 1992.”

      • February 22, 2019 at 4:21 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        A little bit of a difference: Jackson settled for 23 million. That doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

        On the day Jackson began the third leg of his tour, news of the allegations broke to the public and received worldwide media attention. Jackson cancelled the remainder of the tour due to health problems arising from the scandal. In January 1994, Jackson reached a financial settlement for $23,000,000 with the Chandlers and in September a criminal investigation was closed. The allegations affected his public image and commercial standing, and several endorsement deals were canceled, including Jackson’s decade-long Pepsi endorsement.

        • February 22, 2019 at 4:50 pm
          Rosenblatt says:
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          Let us not forget…..

          “Only guilty people settle out of court”
          -President Trump

          • February 22, 2019 at 5:18 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Not for 23 mm. (Now you are quoting Trump!!! Hell froze over and Global Warming is gone!)

    • February 23, 2019 at 11:48 am
      Jem says:
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      MJ was no pedophile. He made it his business and to his own detriment to take on a system and a big ring of Pedophiles in Hollywood. Pedophiles that raped and abused little boys like Corey Haim and many others that kept silent but dulled their pain by excessive drug use. I wouldn’t be suprised if River Phoenix was also raped

  • February 23, 2019 at 11:46 am
    jem says:
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    I’ll never believe that about Michael without clear and conclusive evidence. All that have come out has always been circumstantial and those “accusers” admitted after the fact that they lied for money. MJ wasn’t no damn pedophile, he created Neverland for another purpose one that Culkin, Feldman and many others have testified about…A place to hide young and upcoming boys from Hollywood’s famous child pedophile ring. A ring that took kids like Feldman’s own friend Corey Haim and repeatedly raped him. Neverland was a place that kids could hide out and have a childhood but more it kept kids away from those old nasty pedos hands so they made it their mission to destroy MJ’s character. They’ve hounded him in the press, tabloids and have paid several “witnesses” to testify against Michael. Strange if MJ was such a dangerous Pedo that when Feldman was questioned by the Police in a now surfaced tapes he denied MJ ever being a pedo. That’s because MJ was no Pedo. Eccentric yes but Pedo NO!

    • April 26, 2019 at 2:23 am
      jane doe says:
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      He admitted sharing his bed with little boys and they admitted sleeping in his bed with him. His own sister said on the Howard Stern show in 1993 that she and her mother saw checks made out to James Safechuck’s family in his desk drawers in his bedroom and the amount of the check was for a million dollars. Her mother also said that MJ had boys in his bedroom according to LaToya in a long lost tape that resurfaced after the documentary aired…the tape had not been heard for over 25 years till a Howard Stern fan posted it recently.

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