Family of American Killed in 737 Max Crash Sues Boeing, Ethiopian Airlines

By | April 5, 2019

  • April 5, 2019 at 6:29 pm
    SacFlood says:
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    Samya Stumo was Ralph Nader’s grandniece, who told NPR the following: “You know, this is a harbinger. You’ll be covering a lot of this in medical technology, autonomous weapons, self-driving cars. It’s the arrogance of the algorithms, not augmenting human intelligence but overriding it and replacing it. The significance of this Boeing disaster is that it can teach us some very important lessons about maintaining human intelligence and not ceding it to autonomous systems that have no moral base and no intuition.” Agreed, re self-driving cars.

  • April 8, 2019 at 4:51 pm
    Dan says:
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    Anybody dumb enough to fly Ethiopian Air shouldn’t expect to live long anyway. What do they serve on the flight? Ethiopian Chicken, the fastest animal in the world!

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