Senators Seek Probe of Pharmacy Benefit Managers’ Pricing Practice

By and | April 9, 2019

  • April 10, 2019 at 9:48 am
    PouellerBeaReport Fail says:
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    The PBM markup fair/ reasonableness issue is another reason to reduce the Federal Government’s involvement in the health care industry to the greatest extent possible. Greater competition in the industry in lieu of MediCare, Medicaid, and ACA would limit the markups going to the PBMs, if they would actually exist in their current form in that case.

    • April 10, 2019 at 4:10 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      You’re kidding yourself if you think for-profit companies are going to do anything but attempt to maximize their profits if there is less government involvement in their industry. Don’t believe me? See what Verizon and Comcast did after Net Neutrality was repealed (do NOT focus on what they said they’d do BEFORE it was repealed, focus on their actions AFTER it was repealed).

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