FTC Orders E-Cigarette Makers to Relinquish Advertising, Sales Data

By | October 4, 2019

  • October 4, 2019 at 11:26 am
    PolarBeaRepeal says:
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    This is likely to cause some consternation, if not outright pseudo-BOTting of posts containing the excerpt, among the stoners in the crowd:

    ” The CDC has urged people to stop using e-cigarettes or vaping products, including those containing THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. ”

    NOTE the explicit mention of THC in the ‘urgent warning’ by the CDC (CDC stands for Center for Disease Control).

  • October 4, 2019 at 12:27 pm
    Jon says:
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    Man, your posts get more and more unhinged as each day goes on. The CDC is encouraging people to stop vaping period because that’s what the CDC does when there’s ANY risk. It’s still laughable for you to suggest that THC is fault, and disregards the fact that people have been vaping THCin the form of hash oil for literally decades. It’s just the most recent popularity of vaping has spread to mass production and black market vape cartridges. If vaping THC were the cause, anyone who ever owned a volcano in college would have already been dealing with this. Use some common sense before your next mental-break post.

    • October 4, 2019 at 3:38 pm
      Craig Cornell says:
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      Your pathetic defense of your Love Child THC is hilarious.

      Nearly every death so far has been connected to products containing THC. The CDC has specifically NOT ruled out THC as a contributing cause.

      But keep on lying. (Or maybe your brain is so fried from THC you think you are telling some kind of truth.)

      “THC does NOT cause psychosis. THC does NOT cause psychosis. THC does NOT cause psychosis . . .”

      • October 5, 2019 at 2:03 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        How about 7 studies, Basement Boy? (And the other three studies didn’t find a connection, but they couldn’t rule it out.)

        A recent review on the subject was published in the highly respected journal, Biological Psychiatry. According to this article, there have now been 10 research studies that have examined the long-term association between cannabis and psychotic disorders. None of the studies were perfect and all of them looked at the question a little bit differently, which is one reason why it is so easy for people on either side of the issue to cherry pick studies that support one’s prior opinions. Seven of the 10 studies found a statistically significant link between cannabis use and later psychotic symptoms and disorders. Putting all 10 studies together, a 40% increase risk of psychosis was found comparing people who had used cannabis to people who have never used it. These odds tend to increase in studies that examine people who use cannabis more heavily.

        There are also some other lines of evidence that point to a causal role of cannabis in the development of psychosis.

        The well-known fact that acute intoxication of cannabis may produce transient psychotic symptoms.

        An increased risk of psychosis among cannabis users who carry specific risk genes. (Ironically, however, the most famous Dunedin study that everyone quotes on the COMT gene has not been replicated).

        Increasing evidence that the more potent marijuana that is available now may be associated with additional risk.

        The finding that the link between cannabis and psychosis is not equal for all age groups but may be stronger for younger users.

  • October 4, 2019 at 12:27 pm
    Jon says:
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    There are no bots, crazypants. Or you know what? You’re right, they’re all bots. The government is botting your posts because you’re REALLY on to something LOL loser

    • October 4, 2019 at 10:59 pm
      PolarBeaRepeal says:
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      crazypants? Oooh, that hurts! The government isn’t ‘on to’ anything if you are considering the loony, litigious liberals in The House of Representatives. Other parts of the government would have enough sense to allow my posts to stand.

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