Employee Climate Group Claims Amazon Threatened Firings for Speaking Out

By | January 2, 2020

  • January 2, 2020 at 2:43 pm
    Hmmmmmm says:
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    Interesting article. I think it would depend on what the employees were saying or doing outside the company walls. If it is more than a positive encouragement, I can understand how Amazon would be upset. If, on the other hand, Amazon doesn’t wish to hear anything about changing – then it is a little more understandable of the employees becoming vocal. Amazon seems to being evolving since they started up and I can’t believe that they would totally block any environmental changes.

  • January 2, 2020 at 5:36 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    What a joke. They want to stage a walkout because Amazon isn’t bowing to their demands. How about the employees put all their money together and start fighting climate change themselves? Oh wait, that would mean they would have to sacrifice. it’s always easier to force others to pay for it. Unless I’m missing something, I have to agree with Amazon on this one and maybe some employees need to be let go so they can start up their own charity to fight global warming. Just an FYI it’s been colder than normal where I live so maybe start in a different state.

    • January 2, 2020 at 6:06 pm
      Jon says:
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      Why should the poorest, lowest paid employees have to suffer and pay to fix the planet while their billionaire bosses profit from the continued destruction of the climate? You’re using abuser logic. “If you don’t want me to hit you why don’t you find somewhere else to live?” You are not a billionaire corporation, why do you feel the need to protect them?

      Billionaires continue to get richer and the poor get poorer. They’ve just convinced suckers like you that that’s the way things should be. We fled a king to start this country, now we made new kings. Maybe you should stop being a shill for them.

      • January 3, 2020 at 8:59 am
        PolarBeaRepeal says:
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        Why? Because billionaire bosses are smarter than the lowest paid employees. And lowest paid employees are not ‘suffering’ in Trump’s economy….e.g. lowest UnE % in over a half-century, lowest ever UnE % among Blacks and Hispanics. Record stock market levels, multiple quarters GDP growth over 3% ….

        Socialist ideas such as yours will only result in dumbing down the overall population and lowering the quality of life for EVERYONE. Socialist leaders will only get richer while people under their rule will get hungrier and sicker; e.g. Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, …

        • January 3, 2020 at 10:46 am
          Jon says:
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          LOL You really believe billionaires get where they are because they’re smarter? You’re a bigger fool than I could have guessed. I mean I knew you weren’t working with a complete toolkit after your claims that bots were downvoting your posts, but that’s REALLY hilarious. Further proof of how deluded and out of touch your generation is I Guess.

          In Trump’s america the richest have gotten richer, the poorest have gotten poorer. That’s not because the richest are smart, it’s because our leaders are corrupt and working for the top 1%. You’re just a joke because you think you’re in their ranks.

          Socialist ideas will result in dumbing the population down ,really? When it’s the right that continues to gut education spending, fund for-profit colleges and add god to textbooks all over the country? Your logic is flawed on several levels. You want to yell about socialism while pointing to fascist countries, what about free market countries like Somalia while you righties are always pushing for a free market? You’re a joke, Polar. It’s just unfortunate that American prosperity is the punchline in your world.

        • January 3, 2020 at 1:00 pm
          Common Sense says:
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          Excellent Polar! I see Andrew has been busy.

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