Opioid Victims Can Now File Injury Claims in Purdue Pharma Bankruptcy Case

By | January 29, 2020

  • January 29, 2020 at 1:27 pm
    pm says:
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    What about jail time for the doctors!!!!!

  • January 30, 2020 at 11:45 pm
    pl says:
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    Most Doctors were misled ..My doctor takes excellent care of me and she though she was doing a good thing by keeping me out of 24/7 intractable pain… Oxycontin is a excellent pain killer but while killing pain it caused an severe underlying addiction that doesn’t come fourth until way later in the game and when Signs did start showing they told the doctors it was Pseudo addiction and to prescribe more. They didn’t know it was gonna cause this epidemic.. I don’t blame her. I blame the Sackler family and Purdue. I thank God this Opportunity for compensation is taking place. I also thank God im still alive to see it. MY life has been a livening hell for 20 years because of it all this time I thought it was my fault and was to ashamed to tell my doctor what was really going on.

    • January 31, 2020 at 12:53 pm
      sak74 says:
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      Not all doctors are good……there are doctors out there that SHOULD be in jail because they have directly helped in this epidemic…….several years ago my brother was involved in a fight and went to the area’s ER for broken facial bones. The doctor prescribed him painkillers and set an appt for my brother to come back to see him. My brother saw him for several years…..fast forward to January 2015 and finding my brother on the brink of death from an overdose. Thankfully we found him in time the paramedics were able to revive him and get him to the hospital. Upon searching his room they found a perscribed bottle of said painkillers from that very doctor…….the perscription was written the day before…….the number of pill perscribed well over 300…….and it had refills available. The police could not take the bottle as it was a legal perscription……..fast forward to August 2017 when we found my brother OD’d again only this time we were to late……..guess what we found MORE pill bottles………our guess, the doctor was writing him the perscriptions and he would fill them and sell them and keep part of the money and give the doctor the rest. This isn’t the only story like this I have heard. I will say most doctors are on the up and up but like any professions there are those that should be in jail for harm they have done yet nothing seems to happen….as far as we know said doctor is still doing his thing……..

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