Meat Plant Closures, Absenteeism Rise With Workers’ Fear of Coronavirus, Lack of Safety

By and | April 15, 2020

  • April 15, 2020 at 3:11 pm
    Angela Iseli says:
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    We rely on your labor to function, so we’re going to refuse to provide the safety equipment you need to reliably continue to perform said labor unless you pay us…

    That’s some genius-level business management right there.

    • April 15, 2020 at 4:18 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Sounds a lot like we rely on American consumerism for the economy, so I’m going to play golf and hold rallies rather than respond to this pandemic. Then, I’m going to tell everyone I have it under control, it’s going to miraculously disappear, we are going from 15 cases to 0, go to work because it will probably pass, I know more than the doctors do, and my press conference ratings are better than The Bachelor finale. That’s some stable genius-level presidenting right there.

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