U.S. Employers Shying Away From Using Coronavirus ‘Immunity’ Tests in Reopening

By and | May 19, 2020

  • May 19, 2020 at 3:54 pm
    Captain Planet says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    Heck, I wish I could just get a regular Coronavirus test. Tramp said I could get one if I want one. I want one. I keep getting denied. Tried again today. Just another one of his lies, I guess. I can understand why employers are shying away from the immunity test. There isn’t much evidence of immunity even after contracting the virus. So, no Tramp and Eric, it isn’t going to magically disappear. And we do need a better plan than, “Well, hope you don’t die. And if you are going to, die quickly. We’re going to need your hospital bed.”

  • May 19, 2020 at 3:58 pm
    Jon says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    Now he’s telling people he’s on a drug he’s clearly not to try and boost sales. The republican party is a complete joke at this point. They’ve very clearly become the villains in the world’s story, except they’re all too dishonest to just admit it.

    • May 19, 2020 at 4:09 pm
      Captain Planet says:
      Hot debate. What do you think?
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      Exactly, right? I mean, we all know we can just go to our physician and tell him or her what prescriptions we need. I mean, I guess there are those doctors out there, they are called quacks. Can you imagine, “Yeah, excuse me doc, but I’ve been a little high strung lately. So, go ahead and prescribe me some morphine.” Makes sense he goes to quacks, there are plenty of them out there who really do think disinfectants are miracle drugs. What needs to be done is much more testing and contact tracing. I am not convinced on this immunity test, but just testing in general will help us in our efforts to reopen more safely. I want to get out there just as much as anyone, but we are continuing to spike here in Iowa and I now know kids who are getting this. I have 3 daughters to protect. Let’s take the best calculated approach, America. It’s the right thing to do.

      • May 19, 2020 at 5:08 pm
        Craig Winston Cornell says:
        Hot debate. What do you think?
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        “Open more safely”. You mean like Georgia and Florida did without more testing? You mean THAT more safely?

        Don’t miss the bus when it goes by. The lock down is looking like a terrible mistake every day that goes by. And Americans are waking up to the fraud.

        We should open up every where immediately and then have very localized lock downs when there is a spike. Like China is doing. And Germany. You know, rational places that don’t make Trump Hate the deciding factor on every policy.

        • May 19, 2020 at 5:18 pm
          Jon says:
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          Why should we listen to you? You were wrong about Sweden (Their death rate is higher than ours when you were busy praising their lack of lockdown). You were wrong about Obama not ordering PPE after H1N1 (He tried to, Republicans stopped him) You’ve been wrong about marijuana, global warming, the virus, and pretty much every single subject you spew your nonsense about. Sorry, I don’t feel like letting you goalpost shift.

          Keep trying to lie, liar.

          • May 19, 2020 at 5:39 pm
            Craig Winston Cornell says:
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            Sweden’s death rate is fractions higher than ours and it is lower than half the countries in Europe.

            South Dakota had ZERO lock down and has a super low death rate. California is worse than Texas, which is now largely open.

            the lock down is a disaster. Herd immunity is the ONLY way to solve the problem before a vaccine is developed and the vast majority of Americans are at very low risk from Covid if they contract the disease.

            keep the old and the vulnerable at home. Let every one else resume living.

          • May 19, 2020 at 5:41 pm
            Craig Winston Cornell says:
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            you see what you did when you failed to answer my question about the number of doctors who are prescribing Hydroxycholoroquine?

            You Proved Me Right about You and Planet. (Planet was not the Pot Head one by the way.)

          • May 19, 2020 at 5:47 pm
            Jon says:
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            Let’s talk about “Fractions higher than ours” you see, you say it that way and that makes it sound like it’s a small amount! But our deaths per million is 275.8, there’s is 363.15. Exactly what fraction is it their death rate is higher than ours, Craig? Just to be clear. Thanks!

            The population of South Dakota is less than a million and it’s an inland state, but sure, let’s talk about totally unrelated things in your pathetic attempt to switch the goalpost! It’s like our president trying to point the finger at literally anything to distract from the facts available to everybody. Are you spiralling or what?

            By what metric exactly? You keep forgetting that India has a billion people and their deaths are well below 10,000, yet you don’t acknowledge that fact. Almost as if you know that there is NO way you can justify the 90,000 deaths we have in our country comparitively! But please, keep talking about South Dakota boomer LOL

            You realize you’re in that old and vulnerable bucket, don’t you?

            Kind of funny, you failed to acknowledge ANY of the lies you’ve told, how about that!

          • May 21, 2020 at 8:16 am
            Rosenblatt says:
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            “Herd immunity is the ONLY way to solve the problem before a vaccine is developed…”

            Can someone explain to me how herd immunity is supposed to solve the problem when people can get reinfected with COVID-19 after they’ve recovered from it?

            How can you have herd IMMUNITY if there’s no proof having COVID-19 antibodies actually gives you immunity in the first place?

          • May 21, 2020 at 10:51 am
            Captain Planet says:
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            C’mon Rosenblatt,
            You know how it’s possible. It’s HannityRushTuckerIngrahamism. Tha’s how. Duh! I love how some of these voices say they are pro-life, yet they say in the same breath, “Well, some people are going to have to die, that’s just how it is.”

          • May 26, 2020 at 6:54 pm
            California says:
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            “How can you have herd IMMUNITY if there’s no proof having COVID-19 antibodies actually gives you immunity in the first place?”

            If antibodies can’t give you immunity, what good will a vaccine do us?
            Vaccines are designed to get our bodies to produce antibodies. Instead of waiting for a vaccine that may never come, let’s move forward with obtaining herd immunity among the 80%+ Americans that will only experience moderate to no symptoms if exposed.

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