House Antitrust Panel Blasts Big 4 Internet Firms for Abuses; Seeks Reforms, Separations

By and | October 7, 2020

  • October 7, 2020 at 9:41 am
    Vox Sanitus says:
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    Well, they had it comin’.

  • October 7, 2020 at 10:49 am
    PolarBeaRepeal says:
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    “…The antitrust subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee recommended that Alphabet Inc’s Google, Apple Inc , and Facebook – with a combined market value of over $5 trillion – should not both control and compete in related businesses.

    The panel’s report also broadly recommended structural separations but stopped short of saying a specific company should be broken up. …”

    Of course the Committee report didn’t recommend a breakup of any of those 4 biased monopolies. They are helpful to the Democrats, and Democrats run all House Committees.

    • October 7, 2020 at 4:24 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      “Republicans on the committee released two short reports, one authored by Representative Ken Buck and supported by three fellow Republicans, which harshly criticized the companies but said that he would not support any call to break them up.”

      About 25% of the R’s on the committee also did not call for the companies to be broken up. I think that’s noteworthy to counter your apparent attempt to blame solely the D’s for not “recommend[ing] a breakup of any of those 4 biased monopolies”

      even though they did “recommended structural separations” which is the same thing just without naming the companies like you wanted.

  • October 7, 2020 at 1:17 pm
    Barry Rabkin says:
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    None of these 4 technology companies should be broken up: not any of them.

    And the notion of Amazon separating itself from its market platform is idiocy at the highest level. Let’s first ask all of our supermarkets, grocery stores, and retail merchants to no longer sell their wares if they also allow competitors to put their goods on their shelves or aisles.

    This stupidity I expect from the EU, not from Americans.

    No one has a gun to their heads forcing them to use any of the services or products from any of these Technology companies.

    • October 7, 2020 at 2:21 pm
      Jon says:
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      Excellent post, Barry.

    • October 7, 2020 at 2:42 pm
      Vox Sanitus says:
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      These companies have more than enough market power to warrant some anti-trust activity. I don’t personally care if they are the toys of the Democrats or the GOP. Bezos is in the same shoes as John D. Rockefeller, who ran the Standard Oil Trust, which was broken up. These entities have the power to crush anybody who tries to unseat them. Will new entities be able to squeeze past these gargantuan companies? Maybe in fifty years. I will say that I care not about Facebook. Only a fool would use Facebook. Their users got it comin’.

      • October 9, 2020 at 10:27 am
        Barry Rabkin says:
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        Got what coming ????

        Let’s see what the Supreme Court decides, assuming that the House can convince the Senate and President to agree on this idiotic EU-flavored action.

        You can’t possibly believe that any of these companies will roll over and be willingly broken up? Don’t hold your breath waiting for these companies to actually be broken up…

    • October 7, 2020 at 6:07 pm
      James Comey Stricken With FISAlzheimers says:
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      A ‘gun to the head’ analogy is an inappropriate argument against anti-trust legal actions. When a product or service is pervasive in the economy or a scholastic system, there are few other meaningful options if any. So, depriving people from such products or services by their ability to pay for them has been, and will always be considered discriminatory, predatory, and monopolistic in nature.

      • October 9, 2020 at 10:25 am
        Barry Rabkin says:
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        “A gun to the head” is an extremely appropriate argument.

        No-one has to use the services of any of these firms. Stop whining about being deprived if you don’t use these company’s products or services.

        The “power” that these companies have come entirely from customers wanting to use their solutions. If you don’t want to use the products or services from any of these companies, then don’t use them.

        But again, I expect this level of stupidity and idiocy from the land of the socialists (the EU) and not from Americans.

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