Nasdaq to Require Increased Board Diversity Disclosure by Listed Companies

By | December 1, 2020

  • December 4, 2020 at 12:01 pm
    Craig Winston Cornell says:
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    How are your going to check if someone who “self-identifies” as gay is telling the truth?

    What if someone “self-identifies” as black, but is at least party white? 30% enough? DNA test?

    This is getting ridiculous. Nasdaq is supposed to facilitate stock selling. Now they are the police for identity politics????!!??

    And why doesn’t anyone on the Left call out the truth: the people who ALWAYS benefit from these policies are the well-off, the highly educated, the well-connected. It has NOTHING to do with elevating millions of poor blacks or Hispanics, who will never go to Harvard, sit on a corporate Board, or star in a Hollywood movie.

    The focus on race and gender is a trick of the elite: the issue should be poor people. All of them. But then the Elite might have to do something other than promote tokenship.

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