Traffic Deaths Up 10.5% in First Three Months of 2021

By | September 2, 2021

  • September 2, 2021 at 3:52 pm
    Dave says:
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    Not keeping track of distracted driving deaths (cell phone use)? I see it all the time. Any time I pass a driver driving too slow in the passing lane or having a difficult time staying in their lane I try to check if they’re on their cell phone. I’d say 70%-80% of the time they are. This is a huge impact. Amazed that NHTSA is not tracking or reporting it.

    • September 3, 2021 at 9:41 am
      B says:
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      Yes, cell phone usage is a big deal and a much bigger driver on distracted driving. Spot on there Dave.

      However, the blame always gets lumped onto those who speed, oooo they are so bad!. That’s the easy way out or the low hanging fruit so to speak. What they fail to do is look into WHY people speed. What they will find is that it is folks either going too slow (below the posted speed limits, thus restricting movement and commerce), pulling out into traffic OR failing to move over (in multi-lane highway situations), that then causes folks to speed. Why not focus on the reasons behind it and realize that going above the posted speed limits is ok so long as you are being safe and not reckless about it such as driving through a work zone/school zone?

    • September 7, 2021 at 10:58 pm
      UW says:
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      Yep. I ride my bike a lot and see the same. Usually when a cat is swerving, slowing and then going, etc, it’s an Uber driver looking at their phone.

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