Sandy Hook Families Cast Wary Eye on New Infowars Bankruptcy

By | August 2, 2022

  • August 2, 2022 at 1:37 pm
    Paul says:
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    I’m beginning to think this is now all about the fame and fortunes of Koskoff & Bieder, and less about justice for the survivors who clearly haven’t been financially injured by the misinformation.

    How much is enough that they bring suit against this conspiracy theorist in multiple states?

    • August 2, 2022 at 2:15 pm
      Al E. Gator says:
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      In this case, there is a WIIIIIDE gap between being financially injured by the misinformation from the defendant, and the non-financial injury suffered by the plaintiffs. NO amount of money, small or large, will ever adequately compensate the families for their grievous losses, exacerbated by having their lives ripped open publicly every time some jack@ss thinks he is clever enough to spout away, filter-free.

      But if a sizeable-enough award will serve to shut the mouth of this denier (and any other expresser of ‘free speech’ who spouts hate and misinformation in the guise of ‘entertainment’), then HOORAY and STFU you miserable pile of excrement.

      • August 2, 2022 at 2:23 pm
        Al E. Gator says:
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        Wish there was an edit feature…the last para NOT addressed to Paul but rather to the defendant in the case. Apologies proffered! Dialogue is always welcome!

  • August 2, 2022 at 3:59 pm
    rob says:
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    don’t let this pathetic excuse for a mammal hide behind bankruptcy. Throw the book at him, and throw it HARD. Let the message be clear: When you’re in a position of high influence and your outright lies cause your demented, brain-dead minions to cause harm to others based on these lies, you have to pay for it. Sell his house, sell his car, sell every asset that InfoWars has down to the pencils and the staples. Every nickel they can squeeze out of him should go to the victims’ families.

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