People Moves: QBE North America Makes Key Executive Appointments

February 9, 2023

  • February 9, 2023 at 2:21 pm
    Retired Underwriter says:
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    OK —I’ll bite: What the heck is a “chief people officer”? Is that what we used to call “Human Resources VP” back in the olden times, like last week? WAAAYYYYY too woke for me – BEAM ME UP!

  • February 9, 2023 at 2:21 pm
    Retired Underwriter says:
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    OK —I’ll bite: What the heck is a “chief people officer”? Is that what we used to call “Human Resources VP” back in the olden times, like last week? WAAAYYYYY too woke for me – BEAM ME UP!

  • February 9, 2023 at 5:05 pm
    MIghtyQuinn says:
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    You’d think that a firm trying to be the lemming-est woke-est possible would not be so cute as to have a Chief People Officer. Seems they would think twice about calling it an officer. In the terms of today’s nuts that translates to Chief People Oppressor does it not? But then if they were to try to be even cuter they would rearrange it as Chief Officer of People it could be referred to simply as COP. Or even be weirder by getting rid of the oppresionist term, Chief. Maybe Top People Person would be good but that does sound a bit elitist. Makes HR sound better so just maybe they will have to find something else to sound silly……r is that humor shaming?

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