Female Gig Workers Face 32% Average Pay Gap

By | March 22, 2023

  • March 22, 2023 at 2:14 pm
    Agency says:
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    Ridiculous conclusion. There is an element out there that just doesn’t understand biology, For many reason I don’t want to get into (as I don’t want to offend those who don’t get it), women work less and often want to work less. Well let me get into it, the natural role of the woman is to watch the kids. Sure men can do this, but more woman do this and it’s in the DNA for woman to do this more so than men. Regardless to what the liberals and some writers keep crying about, this is not going to change because many woman are just fine with it this way. For the woman who are not fine, they do earn as much or more than men. But stop playing the game, forcing many woman to be who they are not is beyond the pale. Furthermore this is a political game and people are wearing thin of the manipulative games. Lastly, gig workers, such as those who drive for Uber, make their own choice on how much they want to work, the app does not know or care what gender the gig worker is. So I say, enough of this!

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