New Orleans Cop Indicted in Workers’ Comp Case

December 12, 2002

A New Orleans police officer who allegedly schemed to collect unauthorized workers’ compensation payments for eight months last year was charged with 18 counts of mail fraud. According to the New Orleans Times Picayune the officer, David Dotson, was also charged with two counts of obstruction of justice.

The U.S. attorney’s office has reportedly been investigating Dotson’s injury claims and the subsequent checks he received from April to October 2001. During that time, the 18-year veteran New Orleans police officer allegedly collected workers’ comp benefits while working night security at Wagner’s Super Store on North Claiborne. He neglected to tell the police department or the insurance company about the security job.

He has been suspended from the police department without pay pending a department investigation and the outcome of the federal case. Dotson apparently raised a red flag with investigators when he went to the site of the World Trade Center after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, while he was on paid leave for an injured shoulder.

He was charged with one count of mail fraud for each check he allegedly received under false pretenses. The checks were mailed to his home.

Dotson apparently injured his arm and back while apprehending a car thief and filed a workers’ comp claim on April 5, 2001.

Topics Workers' Compensation

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