Cunningham Lindsey U.S. Adds Resources in Fla.

September 8, 2004

Dallas-based Cunningham Lindsey U.S. Inc. (CLUS) announced that in the wake of historic dual hurricanes in Florida, it has mobilized additional experienced claims professionals, supervisors and support staff into the impacted storm areas in that state.

Catastrophe team members were already on the ground in response to Hurricane Charley.

“Our hearts go out to our friends, and the citizens of Florida. Many who are dealing with significant losses in the wake of these two historic catastrophic events” said C.O.O., David Repinski.

CLUS had established Catastrophe Offices in key locations throughout the damaged area of Florida in response to Hurricane Charley. CLUS’ Catastrophe Response Center continues to be fully operational and staffed with personnel to handle incoming claims and calls seven days a week.

Randy Gray, director of Catastrophe Services for CLUS said, “Our main focus in these historical catastrophe events is to contact insureds as soon as possible to assist in the assessment of their damage in a responsive manner. With the combination of our Catastrophe Services, along with our already broad geographic spread throughout Florida, we were able to maximize the efficiency of our response by moving quickly into the impacted areas.”

Topics Catastrophe USA Florida

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