Houston Grand Jury Indicts 3 in Federal Workers’ Comp Fraud Scheme

November 13, 2017

  • November 13, 2017 at 2:40 pm
    Agent says:
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    Lock em all up.

  • November 14, 2017 at 8:07 am
    retired risk manager says:
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    Workers comp fraud is viewed by many as a “victim less” crime. “Where is the harm”? After all, it is the insurance company that pays. Nope, it is, in this case, the taxpayers, and in the private sector, it is the policy holder by way of increased renewal premiums. Jail time, without parole is the answer. Note that one charge was for “upcoding”. I’ve review many medical bills where the “injury” was very minor, but the code used was as if the injury was life threatening. Since the insurance companies do not question the code, but only the amount charged for that code, the bill is paid without question. My clients would just change the code to the right one, and pay accordingly. Never a peep from the provider.

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