Texas Insurance Regulators: New Year’s Day Is No. 1 Holiday for Vehicle Thefts

December 30, 2019

  • January 2, 2020 at 9:28 am
    Fair Playing Field says:
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    “’The report doesn’t speculate on what makes New Year’s Day attractive to car thieves,’ TDI fraud analyst Krystal Kulle said in the release. ‘But midnight January 1 is probably a time when people are celebrating the new year and not out on the street.’”

    I expect a lot of cars are left on the street and in parking lots as people decide to take cabs home instead of driving after imbibing more than they anticipated. And it’s probably not a large percentage of the reported thefts, but I’d be curious to know how many are the result of the owner crashing his/her car while trying to drive home, then reporting it “stolen” the next morning.

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