Texas Top Cop Says Uvalde Police Could’ve Ended Rampage Early on

By and | June 22, 2022

  • June 23, 2022 at 10:16 am
    Rosenblatt says:
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    Here we gave one bad guy with an AR-15 and at least 4 good guys with automatic weapons and at least 2 ballistic shields. Those good guys did nothing but stand around for an hour.

    They didn’t engage the shooter AS THEY WERE TRAINED and didn’t even bother to try to open the door! Even worse, they detained a fellow officer who DID want to enter and engage the shooter to try and save his wife.

    What good are multiple good guys with guns and tactical equipment who were trained specifically to engage the active shooter in a school if they don’t bother to do anything?

    Do we REALLY think arming teachers and giving them LESS training than these cops had will make them better than these officers?

    How the officers “handled” this whole situation is disgusting and really pokes a hole in the “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to have a good guy with a gun” theory.

  • June 23, 2022 at 2:05 pm
    Paul says:
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    The only thing that will prevent or cut short a mass shooting is for the shooter to be killed or neutralized immediately. That can happen only if someone already on the scene is armed and preferably trained.
    An instructive example occurred only a day after the Uvalde tragedy. In Charleston, West Virginia, dozens of people were attending an outdoor birthday/graduation party when a man drove up and began shooting into the crowd. A courageous woman in attendance drew a pistol and shot and killed the shooter. This heroic action received a tiny fraction of the coverage of the Uvalde shooting. Why? Precisely because no mass shooting occurred. It was prevented. Incidentally, the man who opened fire was a convicted felon, meaning that by law he could not own a gun. This fact underscores a fundamental point: gun laws don’t stop criminals because, by definition, criminals are in the business of breaking the law.
    In 2019, a man with a shotgun under his coat entered the West Freeway Church of Christ in north Texas during a Sunday service. He pulled out the shotgun and began firing. Within seconds, an armed parishioner, Jack Wilson, killed the shooter with a shot to the head from a legally carried pistol. Unfortunately, two parishioners were killed in the few seconds before Mr. Wilson had a clear shot at the killer, but the carnage undoubtedly would have been extreme had this armed citizen not taken down the shooter quickly.
    In 2018, a man began shooting into a crowd of children and families in a park in Titusville, Florida. An armed citizen with a concealed-carry permit confronted the shooter. When the shooter pointed his gun at the armed citizen, the citizen shot him and neutralized the threat.
    There are many of these heroic stories. But they rarely make it past local media reports, because they don’t fit the gun-control narrative that the national media peddle.
    Why do individual citizens use their privately owned firearms so frequently for self-defense? in almost all cases, the police cannot possibly arrive in time. And yet politicians and the media push for more laws that will make it much harder for ordinary people to defend themselves against violent criminals.

    • June 23, 2022 at 3:01 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      “in almost all cases, the police cannot possibly arrive in time.”
      Okay – that’s vague and tough to substantiate, but that is not what happened here. Cops were inside the school 4 minutes after the first shots, and roughly 60 minutes before they engaged with the shooter.

      “….only if someone already on the scene is armed and preferably trained.”
      They were on the scene ASAP, were more heavily armed than the shooter and were recently trained (2 months before less than 2 miles away from this school), and yet they STILL DID NOTHING FOR AN HOUR WHILE LITTLE KIDS WERE BEING MURDERED

      I don’t see how “one more good guy with a gun” would’ve helped if there were already 4 good guys with high powered guns, tactical gear, ballistic shields, and recent training who refused to do anything except detain the only good guy who wanted to act and engage the shooter as the training taught him.

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