Miss. A/G’s ‘Careless’ Comments Shock American Insurance Association

April 19, 2006

  • April 19, 2006 at 9:30 am
    Pick-Ups Ready!! says:
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    Doing a fine job of preserving this Country\’s Independence. (U.S.A.)

  • April 19, 2006 at 4:03 am
    Southern Agent says:
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    Wait until Hood finds out he has run all insurers out of Mississippi.

  • April 19, 2006 at 4:29 am
    MS Insured says:
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    As an insured in Mississippi, I am totally appauled and embarrased by both Jim Hood and Trent Lott. Both need to be run out of office for grandstanding on Hurricane Katrina emotions.

    Suing insurance companies for upholding LEGAL AND VALID CONTRACTS SIGNED BY INSUREDS is absurd. Rising water = flood. I\’m not sure how much simpler it can get.

  • April 20, 2006 at 9:42 am
    FMKELLER says:
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  • April 24, 2006 at 1:44 am
    A Southern MGA says:
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    This indeed has a chilling effect. Recently our MGA experienced it first hand…a company that just signed to do business with us dropped Miss from our wish list of states.

  • April 24, 2006 at 1:50 am
    Southern Agent says:
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    I heard Encompass has already pulled out too.

  • April 25, 2006 at 1:33 am
    MS Insured says:
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    Attorney General is an elected post. Of course, this guy will probably take this platform to run for Governor during the next election.

  • July 31, 2006 at 3:12 am
    Law Abiding Citizen says:
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    The MS Attorney General is one of the
    FEW Good Men that stood up for the
    Law Abiding Citizens in MS.
    Like him or not, he\’s outraged from this betrayal. Most People Don\’t Like the Truth but the truth will prevail!
    Here is Proof:
    Add your Annual Premium.
    Add your Policy Deductible
    Add your Hurricane Deductible
    Fact: Ins. pays Above the Water Line
    Fact: Minus Depreciation
    You are lucky if your Homeowners Insurance Paid for A Part of Your Roof!
    Katrina Winds (100-200 MPH)
    Katrina Winds Blew The Roof Off The LA Superdome to High Rise Windows out of Hotels/Casino\’s from LA to MS.
    People Wake Up! God is Crying…his children have gone mad with greed!
    Think he is trying to warn us with hints of global warming, winds, water and war?
    We the people are all God\’s Children or either we have no God at all.
    FACT: You can\’t take one dollar with you when you die. Why cheat your brother, a friend or a client? Greed! People Say money talks but now a days…Money Screams! That\’s real sad.
    It\’s America, With Your Choice!

    Nevertheless, The Ins. Industry still goes to the bank, but the people that paid Ins. to protect their homes financially are the people that are left without a home to live in. Adding Insult to injury they still have to pay the same company with higher premiums to protect their home.
    Sounds like the United States of Russia ?
    Now the Insurance Industry wants rate increases, and sympathy too or they take their money and leave us again? I say
    Good Bye, Adios, AMF…but with our money in their banks! Seek the truth, Just add.
    The Bible says,\”Denounce Them By Name\”
    So, Let Mr. Hood do his job. He is One of the Few Elected Officials That Stood Up for the People that elected him.
    I commend him for stepping up to the plate & swinging. So his statement may have been politicially incorrect but not as incorrect as the wind vs water.
    The Next Noaha\’s Arc will have a sign on it…No (Corrupt)Politicians Allowed

  • August 1, 2006 at 10:23 am
    MS Insured says:
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    Interesting. So in your opinion, God did this because Insurance companies are greedy, is that it?

    Are we to assume that insurance companies should go bankrupt in order to appease people? I guess that makes sense. I mean, why have them? I am sure what people spend premiums a month would more than cover the cost of replacing homes.

    I understand that Insurance companies are here to make a profit. And I do not think they are making an absurd amount of profit judging from the lack of rate increases that George Dale is allowing them to go after. I back Dale because I think he has both the Insurance companies and the insureds at heart. He knows that you can\’t keep the current rates given the risk involved with costal flooding and wind, but he is not allowing us to get gouged either. HE is a man that is serving the people that elected him, NOT Mr. Hood or Sen. Lott (who are serving themselves for political gain).

    Look, if we want non-profit insurers, we can look to our government. They did such an outstanding job with how they handled Katrina. Or maybe we can go to the Red Cross as a non-profit, since they obviously know how to blow money without audit trails. Lets face it, private insurance is the only way this will ever work and chasing them out of MS will do NOTHING but hurt homeowners in this state. Wake up!

    P.S. Did we not have Cat 5 hurricanes before the \”global warming\” we are supposedly experiencing?

  • December 31, 2006 at 11:45 am
    Southern Agent says:
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    Do you think Star Trek was real too?

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