Fla. Insurance Agent Arrested for Allegedly Victimizing Dozens

September 19, 2007

  • September 19, 2007 at 8:47 am
    SWFL Mark says:
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    It is sad when someone takes advantage of another. Everyone loses here. The policyholders, his family, and the insurance industry. The fact is that all industries have their crooks. It could also be argued that the insurance industry has better checks and balances than many others. You can only steal money for so long befiore a claim occurs and a company or policyholder exposes the scheme.

    One thing is certain – He wasn’t any better at selling than he was gambling. I could darn sure sell more than 44 homeowner policies if I was making up the rates and keeping the money!

  • September 19, 2007 at 12:47 pm
    Consumer advocate says:
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    What a dickhead

  • September 19, 2007 at 12:49 pm
    Masonman says:
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    What a horrible person. Just what we need another crooked agent in the news. This leaves me sitting here shaking my head.

  • September 19, 2007 at 12:57 pm
    Oscar says:
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    I am not surprised! Our society is full of crooks and greedy people that have no scruples. Many of these unethical people feel empowered by the climate of permissiveness and corruption created by the current administration.

  • September 19, 2007 at 1:00 am
    Phil Leotardo says:
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    Family Insurance Agency? As in which family? Tony Soprano’s?

    They should make the SOB rebuild all the houses damaged by the hurricanes.

    In New Orleans. In the 9th Ward.

    And somebody should tell the locals exactly WHY he is doing the work – see how long his hide stays intact.

  • September 19, 2007 at 1:03 am
    agent with a conscience says:
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    What posesses a person to take advantage of another? What type of childhood did this individual have that would make him feel comfortable in defrauding innocent people out of THEIR hard-earned money? Makes me want to leave this state with all the troubles we read about DAILY.

  • September 19, 2007 at 1:04 am
    Phil says:
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    You, sir, are an idiot.

    That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it.

    The administration? Why bring them into it? Got an axe to grind? Go use it on your own neck and go run around pointing fingers at the “real” guilty parties.

    This is not a forum for you to spew hate mail, liberal or conservative. Keep it to the insurance field.

  • September 19, 2007 at 1:09 am
    Scott says:
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    Yeah, right, Oscar. The agent figured with Bush in office the coast is clear to defraud people. Anything else you want to blame Bush for? Wait, let me retract that. The Internet might get bogged down with your response. Hey, Oscar, the Enron mess took place during Clinton’s reign. Was that his fault?

  • September 19, 2007 at 1:32 am
    Oscar says:
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    Mr. Phil and Mr. Scott,

    Obviously my comment cannot be comprehended by narrow minded individuals like yourselves. Let history be the judge of this generation! Now go and explain to the families of the 3800 dead and 24000 wounded soldiers why this sacrifice was necessary. Now as far as the corrupt agent he was probably always corrupt but in this environment of unaccountability he felt that he was entitled to his share of the booty.

  • September 19, 2007 at 1:37 am
    Phil says:
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    I stand by my opinion.

    Go enlist. Or better yet, DON’T enlist. Your fellow men and women in the services would probably just want to frag your @ss.

    But I really think your access to this website should be limited unless you were going to stick to comments related to the growth and development of understanding and educaiton about insurance.

    Go spread the manure back on the farm. Not in this field.


  • September 19, 2007 at 1:47 am
    Oscar says:
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    Mr. Phil,

    First, who made you the forum master?

    Second, non capisce niente!

    Have a nice day my friend. Don’t blow a tire now!


  • September 19, 2007 at 2:20 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Oscar, I think the agent felt it was ok because of the current campaign finance fraud going on with Hillary Clinton’s friend Hsu. That makes just ask much sense as the garbage you are spouting. Why is it so hard for some of you out there to just address insurance issues and keep side issues to yourselves. There are a lot of forums out there where you can post your opinions where they are actually pertinent to the subject. Just go elsewhere Oscar(Rosie)

  • September 19, 2007 at 2:38 am
    Oscar says:
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    Phil my friend:

    The problem is that we live in culture of hypocrisy which was not created by Bush but his administration has profitted big time from this. The thieve masked as an agent in this case just was doing what everyone else has been doing for the last 7 years. Our leaders are supposed to set an example and in this case the example is disgusting! Now if you wish to live in denial and be a ‘yes’ man then go ahead. I am not going to lose any sleep over it!

  • September 19, 2007 at 2:45 am
    Phil says:
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    Firstly, you are responding to Nobody, not me.

    As for me, Bush hasn’t invented any new schemes. I may not have voted for him, but get real, your political opinions whether right or wrong, whether they mirror mine or not, don’t belong here in this forum.

    Drub the Dub or Bash the Bush or Flog the Hog or Whip the Crip or Slam the Sham or Police the Fleece or whatever. Just not here.

  • September 19, 2007 at 2:46 am
    mad says:
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    Oscar please bend over and stick your head between your legs and see if you can find your @ss.If you have trouble a flashlight
    will not do any good. This is an insurance site no a political forum.

  • September 19, 2007 at 3:04 am
    Oscar says:
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    Obviously you people don’t have much work to do. It must be a reflection of the low level of the insurance industry…

    Name calling is the ignoramus’ preferred method of defense. You can say that I am off topic but am not. My comments are very pertinent to explain why people like the agent in question feel impune to commit crimes against those that trusted him. We can actually draw a parallel of how our leaders have also violated the trust of the voters.

  • September 19, 2007 at 3:41 am
    Phil says:
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    If you are not in the insurance industry, why are you bothering to receive the emails from either the Claims Journal or Insurance Journal?

    Are you THAT lonely that you constantly search out for a soapbox within earshot of living people?

    Greed is much older than either you or I, and to draw perceived parallels between current administrations and the actions of an obvious crook is both silly and superfluous to the typical industry reader of the news from these sites.

    It is usually only in the face of such blatant misuse of the forums that my cohorts and I form a defensive line against opressors or misrepresentators.

    Be a good boy, Oscar. Go away.

  • September 19, 2007 at 3:44 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    The totally off topic accusations started with you. Go back to whatever hole you crawled from.

  • September 19, 2007 at 4:55 am
    lastbat says:
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    There does seem to be a problem here since at least one article a day about a corrupt agent or official appears on this website (at least that’s what is seems like). There are similar problems in the legal field. It seems every day on law.com I read about some lawyer or other being fined, sanctioned, dis-barred or jailed for corrupt actions.

  • September 19, 2007 at 5:17 am
    Mad as H*** says:
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    I sure am glad that I read this info at the end of my day, so that it didn’t shoot my blood pressure through the roof earlier! As a 30+ year insurance industry veteran, I am apalled that you chose this forum to vent your political views. There are LOTS of us in this industry who work very hard and professionally to take care of the needs of our clients. Your attitude makes me ill. Ditto Phil – Take your venom somewhere else. I sure hope you live by yourself because I can’t imagine the pleasure-NOT! that anyone living with you would experience!

  • September 20, 2007 at 8:02 am
    One Victim Here says:
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    I was a victim of this scam. I knew this man for years. It is really sad what an addiction will do someone. I found out I didn’t have insurance a year after I bought my house. I forced to go with citizens insurance and pay extra for not having previous insurance. It is a terrible thing that happened. I will very always be very weary of people even if I know them now.

  • September 20, 2007 at 8:30 am
    Tom says:
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    Let’s see the rampant corruption is due to this administration. What administration? obviously it’s either the Crist or Bush Administration. Since you seek to drag politics in this, liberals have a way of pointing the finger at others whether right or wrong. We should not talk about the Clintons I mean campaign fundraising: John Juang, Ryiadi Family, now Norman Hsu. Hillary’s Rose Law Firm files and her cattle future trading, not to mention Bill’s hummers in the Oral Office.
    No corruption is not limited to Democrat, Republican, Indpendents. It’s a human thing stupid.
    There are the majority of us agents who have morals and values and don’t try to screw the fellow man. We provide a service, but some see that as vehicle for greed. I think one writer stated it best, this guy was as good of a gambler as he was an insurance thief. What is encouraging to see is how active and effective the DIFS is at investigating, apprehending and convicting these people. Our industry is no different than any other industry, we all have bad apples. Now it is up to the DIFS not to bury their heads in the sand and go after these scumbags and rid them from our industry.
    Howard Sterns father said it best:
    Don’t be stupid you moron.

  • September 20, 2007 at 9:00 am
    Oscar says:
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    Mary B,

    The only retarded person must be ye! No one is saying that B personally was involved in this scam. My initial point seven postings ago was that under this administration we have had lots of scandals. Haven’t you been living in this country (read the news, watched TV)? Must I refresh your memory a bit? I am not saying that previous administrations didn’t have scandals either. Only that under the current one things were supposed to be better but they haven’t. Now, next time think before you spit out your venom!
    Have a nice evening!

  • September 20, 2007 at 3:11 am
    Oscar (free thinker) says:
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    To all you freaks!

    I do work in the insurance industry but unlike most of the ones writing hate mail here, I have a brain. I am a free thinker not a narrow minded dinosaur! In fact I am a registered republican but don’t vote the party line if the party has sold its principles to the devil.

    The ones that need to open their minds a bit is you. Wake up and smell the roses you self-righteous fanatics!

    Now, lets get back to the topic! Have a nice day!


  • September 20, 2007 at 3:22 am
    tom says:
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    Your right let’s get back to the topic. However you are the one that injected politics to this issue. And if you are a Rep. which I doubt, then you would agree that the political injustices did not start with THIS administration. The previous one did a far worse job than any other in history, from lying under oath to selling nuclear secrets to the Chinese and North Koreans. But hey enough about politics because you’re a thinker.
    The actions by a few agents is not something new to the industry. Thanks to media like the internet we get info almost immediately and the info covers a broader area. We don’t have to wait til the quarterly Florida DOI newsletters to find out that another unscruplious agent stole from the public.
    But I appreciate you telling us your a registered Republican.

  • September 20, 2007 at 3:37 am
    Oscar says:
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    Well I am glad there is at least someone with some common sense Tom!

    Some people in this forum are to quick to jump the gun and name calling. I never defended Clinton or any democrat (read my postings). Just because I disagree with Bush doesn’t make me a democrat, does it?

    My whole point about this agent that was taking advantage of insureds was that we seem to witness this type of white-collar crime a lot more often now. Either they get caught more or more people are committing these crimes. I assume that all of you (or most) like me want to live in a society that citizens have moral and ethics. My main gist was to look at the reasons why agents and people in industry are choosing to do unethical things.


  • September 20, 2007 at 3:39 am
    Nancy says:
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    It’s okay masonman, there is scum and an abundance of corruption in every profession.

  • September 20, 2007 at 3:43 am
    tom says:
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    Well there can be a dialogue, there is no need to associate the story with Bush or Clinton. We have a problem in our industry, which is not uncommon to other industries. This isn’t a Rep or Dem issue it’s an individual issue. I just took exception to you blaming this “administration”. This isn’t George Bush’s fault it’s the greedy individuals who do not want to play by the rules. But very happy they were caught and the DOI is doing their job.

  • September 20, 2007 at 3:43 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Oscar must be a joke. Is Oscar the new Rosie this season? Please Oscar do not be as retarded as to link Bush with an unethical agent. Unethical behaviour started way before Bush and will keep going after Bush. I am more of a centrist than anything and have an open mind but you are sounding a bit crazy.

  • September 21, 2007 at 7:35 am
    tom says:
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    Oscar, we know what your saying and I believe the majority think your thought process is flawed. You can’t blame everything from the Alamo to Iran on George Bush. That thought process is warped.
    The agent involved in this theft is not the product of the Bush Administration. It’s a product of greed, underhanded people who thrive on taking from others. This is an age old problem in every industry: Securities with Michael Milken, cooking the books by Enron and Tyco and the list goes on. ONce you mix cash with the human element some people have no conscience. The majority of us know right from wrong and will do the right thing. We understand that small businesses struggle and know how hard people work to provide for their families and protect their assets against a catastrophic event. Good insurance agents are rewarded by providing a service, being loyal to their clients and do a good underwriting job for the company’s they represent. There are others who are in this business who just care about the almighty dollar and will rape, pillage and steal to make a buck. They are a dying breed and will get caught and prosecuted and hopefully will make the Insurance Journal headlines.
    So save your political analogy for the political blogs.

  • September 21, 2007 at 9:31 am
    Oscar says:
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    My logic is not flawed. Do you people go to church? Do you leave your morality/ethics at the door every Sunday?
    I think the point being missed here is that politics is not something separate outside daily behavior. Politics is part of morality/beliefs/principles. You can’t call yourself ethical and accept the negative status quo of our culture. Yes, change is difficult and personal. We cannot sit in the middle in our comfortable little cubes anymore condemning every one else while doing nothing to change the status quo. The agent in this case is another example of our decadent times. Be courageous and selfless!

  • September 21, 2007 at 9:36 am
    Zero Sum says:
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    Thanks, Oscar. Point made. Game, set and match. End of thread.

  • September 21, 2007 at 9:38 am
    tom says:
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    Oscar, yea and my point is simple it’s not just currect times that have contributed to this behavior. I don’t buy it for a minute that this is George Bush’s fault. Sorry I strongly disagree with your analogy. You can’t blame everything on Bush. However, since the Watergate issue the total lack of respect and the wanting of power has certainly corrupted people. But corruption is not just a current issue. The Jesse Jackson’s, Al Sharpton’s, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s have all certainly added to the lack of values by so-called leaders of our times. The cynacism that surrounds our society today is disgraceful. It is time for those of us who are tired of this behavior to stand up and challenge them and not be afraid of the ramifications.
    I’ll even say a prayer for you in church!

  • September 21, 2007 at 1:20 am
    Oscar says:
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    Amen, my friend. I will say one for our industry and country!

  • September 21, 2007 at 5:36 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Thanks for the excellent response Tom, it appears that some people on this site have brains and some (oscar) do not. Tis a pity.

    Big O – no venom spewed just the truth. you logic is flawed and your attempts to blame the current adminstration (which I think sucks big time) is incredibly stupid and rather naive.

  • September 24, 2007 at 3:35 am
    Oscar says:
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    Mary B,

    I feel sorry for your ignorance. Obviously you are a one track narrow minded individual. All you do is resort to insults and are quick to name calling and assigning labels. This is one of the oldest and cheapest tactic so common of dumb arrogant people. I suggest that you stop charging ahead like a 3-legged horse and remove the blinkers so that you can see the real world around you (not just the fantasy that you have created in your small mind). Next time say something coherent yourself instead of echoing others postings. I would like to see if you have a brain or is it just all mouth.

  • September 24, 2007 at 3:38 am
    tom says:
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    Mary B you struck a chord. Some people just don’t get it. Blah blah blah blah blah.
    It’s all George Bush’s fault….

  • September 24, 2007 at 3:43 am
    HD in CO says:
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    I am retired from the premium finance business. We turned in more crooked agents before 2000 than after. So your arguments are way off.

  • September 24, 2007 at 3:53 am
    tom says:
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    That is our point, the issue of scamming agents is not new to today’s times. With the different immediate media vehicles available today, we get more information. This is not a “current administration” issue, this is about personal greed which obstructs a persons ethics. It has been around for thousands of years. Corruption is not limited to the insurance industry either.
    The Dept. of Ins. is doing their job in weeding out this scum who gives all of us agents a bad name. Some people want to use this as a political forum, but it has nothing to do with the ethics of Bush or the lack of ethics and morals of the Clintons.

  • September 25, 2007 at 8:53 am
    Oscar says:
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    Obviously it seems that some of you feel greatly touched by my allegory of bad leadership behavior from the Bush administration. Proof is that you keep responding to my comments. Let’s be civilized and stop the name calling. I voted for B the first time and voted against the 2nd time. I count the days now until he is gone and will not vote for any Republican in 2008. I guess I am one of the true compassionate republicans that do not support the current trend of right wing extremism. I will get off this forum for now so good luck to all. I don’t expect to change any opinions. Follow your heart (conscience)!

  • September 25, 2007 at 12:07 pm
    tom says:
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    So Oscar,
    As you continue to blame the Bush Administration for this agents dishonesty and all others who display dishonest acts, what is it that George Bush did to earn this honor?
    I am just baffled by the thought process that makes you think that the Bush Administration is the cause?
    No name calling, no sarcasm. I just want to understand. I voted for Bush both terms and have no qualms for voting for him. The issues with Clinton as Pres., we disgraceful in my mind, from his fundraising tactics, selling out nuclear secrets to the Chinese and No. Koreans to oral sex in the oval office to his total bungling of the Israeli situation in quest of a Nobel Peace Prize.
    So the lack of ethics and morals did not start with GWB. But what has GW done to equate this Port Richey agent’s theft?
    Just trying to understand.

  • September 25, 2007 at 2:03 am
    oscar says:
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    I have always been a republican and conservative. When GWB was elected I was so happy that we would reign in order and common sense after BillC. But this did not happen. Instead GWB forgot what he was elected for and went on a global religious crusade at the expense of most of the republican principles of sound government. The republican majority squandered both precious blood and treasure in their pursuit of personal power and greed. At this point I am considering switching to an independent although it won’t make a difference. During BillC we had many issues and wanted change. During GWB we got change but not the good kind. If any of you has traveled overseas lately we are not admired anymore. All our institutions are in trouble. We will need major rework for the next 8 years to fix this mess. I love this country and hate to see us go down. I believe that we can still alter the course for the better. I won’t lose hope!

  • September 25, 2007 at 4:07 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Wait, I just put on my tin foil hat and took my crazy meds and now completely understand Oscar. Crazy is as crazy does. Bush caused all evil in the world and Bush actually bit into the apple from the tree of knowledge. It’s all the fault of Bush.

  • September 25, 2007 at 4:57 am
    tom says:
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    Thanks for your comments and your candor. I see why we disagree, but hey that’s what makes this country so great.
    I’m not naive enough to think Bush has done no wrong, certainly am disappointed with his spending policies and the fact that he thought he could go to Washington and work with Democrats. Crats only worried about one thing and that is power. However, don’t see that religious crusade issue. I do think he understands the threat of islamofacism and how bold the muslim movement is around the world. 9/11 certainly embolden islamics to think they would bring the west to their knees and probably thought they had a Clinton in office, since the media and democrats expressed Bush was weak and a dolt. The radical islamic movement has changed the the country and certainly the world. The muslim movement is a dangerous movement and much of America is asleep at the wheel. Bush and staff has done a good job keeping this economy moving forward. Certainly there is no concensus on the Iraq war, but I for one am glad that he took the fight to a craphole like Iraq than fighting here in the streets of U.S. that certainly would have tanked the economy. So now the muslim movement is trying to stealthly move within the U.S., using organizations like C.A.I.R as their mouth piece funded by the Saudi’s. 9/11 changed things, muslims want to kill infidels and want Sharia Law for all western nations. Their goal is to procreate and tear down democracies as well as this country’s Republic. In my opinion GW did not start this religious crusade. Muslims, radical islam, called him out on the carpet and was not prepared for his response.
    So if GW is a religious man and believes in God and uses his faith to guide him against evil, I say thank God for his principals. We know Gore and Kerry have no principals and certainly would have been a disaster for this country.
    But I appreciate the dialogue.
    All the best to you!

  • September 26, 2007 at 12:08 pm
    oscar says:
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    I think you meant Oscar not Steve.

    I know that this is off topic but it is so relevant to our times and future. I am so disgusted with GWB with all his cyniscism and lies. BillC had many pecadillos but GWB has hurt many people with his policies. I don’t know what God does he believe in because it is not the Christian God by any means.

    Have you met any of the thousands of severely wounded soldiers? Have you seen their reality and what type of assistance they are getting from the US Gov? Not a lot compared to the billions spent on the war effort (approaching 1 trillion soon).
    It is appalling that Bush is going to veto the funding of the SCHIP (children’s healthcare) program that provides basic health care to 6 million poor children. Both congress and the senate have overwhelming support for this bill but GWB, insensitive as ever, says he’ll veto. But he didn’t veto the energy bill with tax cuts for the oil companies, did he?
    Look at the way GWB and croonies are treating the immigrant in this country. The are raiding factories with no mercy ruining the business owners and destroying entire families of poor immigrant workers. They take the parents and deport them while leaving minor children born in the USA alone without their parents. Is this a Christian thing to do? Is this what Christ would do? Who’s side do you think God is on? Using the pretext of fear this administration has become an intolerant and oppressive government. Rather than being a uniter GWB has been the biggest divider in our history. God help us!

  • September 26, 2007 at 2:55 am
    tom says:
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    Sorry Oscar, I meant Oscar in the comment.
    It’s funny I don’t have that type of cyniscism towards GWB. If anything, I am more cynicle towards the democrats for their lack of respect and total hatred toward Bush, not to mention their total lack of leadership.
    While I don’t agree with Bush’s spending habits and disappointed he was not more fiscally conservative, I’m upset he thought he work with the otherside and have success. They just hung him out to dry, from the original education bill with Kennedy to the energy legislation. Maybe it was due to the 2000 election.
    In my opinion there was a tremendous mess left by Clinton, domestically (Enron, Tyco and Campaign fundraising) and most certainly internationally. Right out of the block the Chinese tested Bush and of course the islam’s got embolden since Clinton did nothing and they attacked us. And of course Bush had to assume that mess, then had to make a tough decision whether right or wrong. Congressional Democrats would not pass the energy bill and what do we have today? an energy mess and of course Bush takes that blame (drilling in Alaska). I will grant you this Bush has done a poor job of communicating, but for some reason he thinks he can still work with democrats while Pelosi and REid continue to tear him down in public with their verbal disdain for him and it’s their failures and lack of leadership.
    So I think there is a cyniscism against Bush but I don’t think it’s all warranted.
    And as for this agent stealing from the public, I just can’t buy that Bush and his administration is responsible for his thievery. This has been an issue in our industry for a long time and will continue after you and I are retired. Like that, retired.
    So we disagree, but I respect your opinion. Thanks for the chat, it’s good to have a dialogue with differences of opinion, that’s cool about America. No one will show up on our doorstep and arrest us!
    All the best my friend.

  • September 26, 2007 at 3:04 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Tom — my post was directed towards oscar and not you. i like and respect you tom. sorry to offend you as i did not mean to. take care and i agree with you and your posts most of the time.

  • September 26, 2007 at 3:08 am
    tom says:
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    Mary no offense taken. I did not read anything else into what you wrote.
    Think we are on the same page about the agent referenced in the article.

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